Akkan Baby

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Alternatives: Japanese: あっかんベービー
Author: Miyauchi, Saya
Type: Manga
Volumes: 3
Chapters: 12
Status: Finished
Publish: 2021-05-06 to 2021-02-06
Serialization: Bessatsu Friend


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(9 Votes)
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Alternatives: Japanese: あっかんベービー
Author: Miyauchi, Saya
Type: Manga
Volumes: 3
Chapters: 12
Status: Finished
Publish: 2021-05-06 to 2021-02-06
Serialization: Bessatsu Friend
9 Votes
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High schoolers Yuki and Shigeru aren't dating, but still enjoy a highly active sexual relationship. Naïve and still very child-like in the way they think, it comes as a great shock to them when Shigeru discovers she's pregnant. The two are confronted with the decision of aborting the baby and wounding Shigeru, or to keep it and face great opposition from their parents and high school, and *gasp* miss their beloved Conflict concerts!
Reviews (9)
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Akkan Baby review
Apr 04, 2021
This manga was beyond entertaining, it had my interest the entire time!

Shigeru and Yuki were some idiotic, naive, and lovable goofballs throughout the story. They had sex constantly in the first volume, yet neither of them knew what condoms were! Both did have to make some mature decisions later on but remained childish which is true to their personalities.

This story was hilarious and dabbled in slapstick often, but any discussions by Yuki and Shigeru's respective parents shed a serious light.

A character that was clearly meant to be hated in the third volume showed her humanity. She was not an entirely cruel person because of that, this manga gets a thumbs up from me. It went beyond the cliché bad guy route. It also showed with Shigeru's classmates, that if you are trying to do good and help someone, to not take advantage of the situation for ulterior motives. I like that weren't any stereotypical character molds (like shy kid, tsundere kid, pervert kid, etc). (Yuki's character is a bit debatable! He's your basic genki guy...Reminds me of Luffy!)

I really enjoyed all the characters! Yuki is my favorite. He has so many off the wall and heartfelt responses. I loved the Conflict rock band members too. Despite being a wild bunch, they were very mature and helped in the beginning stages of the pregnancy. My least liked character would probably be Shigeru's dad, but I understand his frustrations. I was so ready for him to knock the stuffing out of Yuki. Of course, that would have been predicable so the manga went another interesting route!

The artwork was pretty! It was no eyesore for me! Good art and an enjoyable story!

In conclusion, this is a short manga series good for reading anytime! It is also holds great re-read value for me. I can see myself going back to all my favorite parts over and over again.

This does not really count as a spoiler but... I was wrong hehe! The baby was my favorite character! With parents like that, I can't believe the baby's personality was so different! I wish we could have seen more of Shigeru ,Yuki, and their baby! Maybe it's best it ended where it did. You know, keep it simple...
Akkan Baby review
Apr 04, 2021
I often read the same kind of reviews so I thought I should write what I'd like to find and it's ridiculously hard to come by, spoiler free answers to the questions:

Is the ending good? Does the main couple end up together? Is it worth my time?

I absolutely HATE SPOILERS with all my might! But I really don't see why I'd want to waste my time with a story that ends badly or one where, after all their trouble, the couple doesn't end up together. I also don't like to waste my time browsing through incredibly long opinionated reviews only to be more confused than I was before, not find the answers I was looking for and usually bumping into unwanted spoilers. Because of all this I intend to make my reviews brief, focusing on answering these three questions.

So with that being said, let's get to business. I'm answering in a completely spoiler free way, with a simple YES or NO, the questions:
Is the ending good? Does the main couple end up together? Is it worth my time?

If you don't want to know the answers to these questions you should stop reading right now.
If you're like me who just want to know if the story is worth your time, go ahead. So with no further ado:

Is the ending good? YES

Does the main couple end up together? YES

Is it worth my time? YES
This story breaks the mold of a classic shoujo with the very rare theme of teen pregnancy. It deals with it in a somewhat light mood where, at the same time, has a great character development, allowing them to grow but not changing the essence of who they are, which is actually pretty difficult and rare. Also rare is the relationship that doesn't begin at the end of the story, which is usually what happens on shoujos, but actually in the beginning where you can see their development as a couple trough their troubled times and tough decisions throughout the story. At first the characters seem superficial and too dumb to exist but eventually you can't help but care for them as the author gradually deepens their personality and let them deal with mature choices in, at a lot of times, a very funny way, still not diminishing the weight of their choices one bit.

Of course this is all my opinion, but I'd say I'm a pretty ordinary, sane and a romantic person, just so you can have an idea of who wrote this.

If you like this kind of review I try my best to write in all animes and mangas I've experienced, so you can see complete list of reviews next to my name just above.

Thank you, you're welcome and peace out.
Akkan Baby review
Apr 04, 2021
as time goes on and i get older and older, i have more trouble relating to these types of stories. that might sound pretty stupid coming from someone who just entered their twenties last year, but it's the truth. the further i get from being a teenager, the more i think "should i even be reading this?" about teenage-led stories (even the ones i end up enjoying, to be honest).

akkan baby is a different story. as an (former) outcasted high school student and a blossoming adult "woman", i can understand where the characters come from on many occassions. all of the characters, though most times exaggerated to the extreme, are realistically involved in the main plot line. none of the adult characters ever make shigeru or yuki think that having a baby is going to be an easy feat, and i respect the author for writing ALL of them like that.

when you're writing a teenage pregnancy story where the two main characters are a couple of well-meaning, idiotic children, i think it's probably hard to find a good balance of realism and cartoonish-ness, but the author did a wonderful job of managing that! it was refreshing for a shoujo to be dramatic in, not a romantic quagmire but, a realistic way, y'know? i think it's the kind of story that young girls should read and that there should be more stories like it that show teen pregnancy as something that (although can be incredibly harmful) isn't something to be demonized for.

the main characters were so sweet <3 i honestly cried a few times for shigeru and all she had to go through during her pregnancy. i think yuki had an amazing development as a character... and the best part is that he didn't have to go through some big transformation or anything! i also loved the characters in the band AND even the principal lmao... there's just such a treasure trove of purity and sweetness in this manga, to be honest. i wasn't expecting to be so impressed but it really made me happy! i think it's well worth the read ^___^!
Akkan Baby review
Apr 04, 2021
The draw in for this is the concept of teen pregnancy. Pregnancy in general is pretty foreign, and obtuse to me, so I found it interesting. Perhaps even more interesting than what it actually is, so my review could be somewhat biased.

As I stated before this story's draw in is teen pregnancy. I thought it brought up some pretty good points about parenting that I didn't really think of until then. Akkan Baby also managed to get a few laughs out of me as well. Though my sense of humor is kind of odd, or different than most peoples.

This has a rather feminine art style, which until recently I was really against, and I refused to read anything with shoujo like art style. This despite the cover a lot of the art wasn't really that bad. When I read manga looking back I never really complained about this art sucking, or looking really cheesy so nothing really stood out for me.

I really liked the characters, and would normally rate higher. The only problem would that only the two main characters actually had any major development. Considering the length of the manga, I can't really blame the author though.

I really enjoyed this manga. It was one of those manga's that I would take breaks, and think about what I just read. I still ended up reading this in a single day though, and I lost track of what time it was when I was reading it.

As a whole there isn't anything major I need to point out like some contridiction that destroys the whole basis of the story. I think anyone would like this manga unless, they are only into extreme comedies with no story, or recently had some problem with pregnancy, or baby's. Which I think would be a given.