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Book reviews
Made in Abyss
Made in Abyss
Made in Abyss
Made in Abyss review
Made in Abyss
Apr 16, 2021
Made in Abyss review

I don’t usually write reviews but this was the first manga I bought in great anticipation, and was quite disappointed.

None of the other reviewers explicitly address this so I’m going to highlight it big time — this manga contains pedophilia imagery. I'm docking three points for this because it left a bad taste in my mouth. I tried to justify it when they would tie up children in the air as a punishment for breaking rules. Aight, people strip their children to their underwear and throw them outside. This must be another version; a cultural difference. Okay, so Reg’s ‘realistic’ penis is constantly highlighted… for scientific purposes, right? Oh, an often shirtless Riko. I mean, she is just a kid and me calling this perverted is me unnecessarily sexualising a child right… it’s fine. It has got to be fine. Hold up, progressively detailed chest(s) as the manga goes on??? A number of the female underaged characters squeezing their boobs drawn right on the inner cover???? Describing a bunny hollow thing CHILD’s scent in her pants???? Alright, this is absolutely fucked up. I can’t introduce this manga to anyone sane.

I’m trying to make the point that in the beginning of the manga, the pedophilia imagery was mild; I dismissed it as the usual thing in anime/manga. I know that there are certain genres that highlight ‘sexual’ imagery, but this manga was doing so well without it. As the story progresses, it becomes more prominent. I believe this is for fan-service and not a vital part of the story. Who told Tsukisha pedophilia imagery was a good idea? Why did no one stop him from ruining a perfectly good story?

Aside from this, the storyline is a perfect escape from reality. It coverts a whole new world with a hole full of mysteries — the best kind of story to get sucked into. There is always something new to discover, something new to experience with the characters. It’s dark but it is also thrilling. You always want to know what will happen next, and what will really come out of their adventure to the seventh layer. There are so many possibilities.

The characters are also portrayed so well. I believe choosing to have children as the main characters of the story was a power move. In a world that starts out quite mystical, with the common darkness of poverty and orphan-ry, we meet Riko — a child with big dreams and the will to achieve them. She lives with her friends who are knowledgable and supportive. She finds Reg, an anxiety-ridden robot thing who has lost his memories. Cute, right? But the common darkness becomes pitch black the further they go down the abyss. Gruelling experiences, blood, sacrifices, loss of humanity, accidents, hopelessness all become very real. Still, none of the ‘bad guys’ truly feel like bad guys. The 2m giant lady who tries to smash the little robot into pieces is also the beloved mentor of Riko’s badass mommy. She is terrifying but she means well. The evil man of the 5th layer who grinds up humans and sacrifices children to the curse for scientific research is also, somewhat a doting father. Somewhat. You can’t truly hate him, for he knows too much. It is out of this search for knowledge that he ruins the lives of unloved children.

Honestly, I don’t think I have to say much about the rest; everyone covers what a ride this manga is. I really do appreciate and love the story but if it wasn’t for the sexualisation of children, this manga would be a 10/10 for me.

Shingeki no Kyojin
Shingeki no Kyojin
Shingeki no Kyojin
Shingeki no Kyojin review
Shingeki no Kyojin
Apr 15, 2021
Shingeki no Kyojin review
2 years ago i’ve watched the first season of the anime and thought "damn, this anime is engaging as hell". So i went to watch the second season and i was a bit disappointed because it lost a little of its charm form the first one, i still liked it tho.

2 months ago i decided to read the manga from the very start. read it until recent chapters, and...

This manga is good... until a certain point. I'm sure a lot of people feeling the same way that i feel about this manga. it starts good as a "Zombie survival" manga, an actual good and interesting one. But then of course comes the moment where the author doesn't know where to go with this. I mean, how long can you drag this kind of manga? let me tell you - you can't. And that's what killed this manga. Those who've read this beyond chapter 86 know what i'm talking about.

Where is the build up to that chapter? I know that there are a couple of references here and there, but that doesn't considered a good build up. You can't just *Spoiler* switch the story out of nowhere like that and smile while saying "Nailed it". NO, NO, JUST NO.

Every thing that happens between chapter 50 something and 86 is a big pile of nonsense and a terrible excuse to extend the manga. And the stuff after chapter 86 made me hate the characters along with their stupid decisions. and the plot? well, everyone love politics in AoT yay - awful.

It's a shame that this is what the series turned out to be. Would i recommend this manga? well, yes, but you'll have to find out for yourself if this is what you're looking for, just don't expect anything. If you're looking for a series that is consistent and will not "betray" you, just don't read this.

Remember guys, this is just my opinion. If you think that my opinion is terrible then i think yours is too. :)

jk, this is my first review so kill me if you want to
Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou
Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou
Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou
Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou review
Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou
Apr 15, 2021
Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou review
Reading YKK always puts me in a strange mood. Often reading seems to be the only way to trigger this mood in modern American society. Reading YKK makes me want to sit back and appreciate things, rather than just going through life doing what I've always been doing. Whenever I'm forced to take a break, I always have an impulse to go for a long walk - even though I know that as soon as I get back in I will die from allergies (I live in Austin, TX, in all seriousness a contender for "Allergy Capital of the US"). The only reason I don't read YKK on a near-continuous basis is that I'm afraid I'd get sick of it after too many repetitions.

It's not a story for everyone - if you're looking for action, drama, off-the-wall comedy, fanservice, or pretty much whatever most mainstream manga is built around, you won't find that here. (The only reason it counts as seinen is because kids would find it boring.) In a way, that's the best part - rather than just going for constant, almost driving levels of entertainment; it takes the time to slow down and force you to look at life from a perspective of someone who can enjoy things because they're there. YKK is the epitome of the slow, quiet manga - it pulls you into its slow, quiet world, and makes you very depressed when you have to go back to reality since you won't be able to spend your whole day just sitting and looking at scenery (and as boring as that may sound, YKK makes you seriously want to).

YKK gets an overall score of 10 for me.

The story is 10 - very well-done, even though it's in effect a slice-of-life manga with no true overarching plotline between chapters. In fact, most of the plot beyond each individual chapter goes on in the background, rarely if ever interacting with the characters themselves. The beauty of it is that no one has to even mention the background plot for you to understand everything going on in it. For example, the fact that over the course of the manga humanity is slowly disappearing is only mentioned once, and I was a bit surprised when I discovered this line on my second read-through - apparently I missed it the first time, but I had understood that this was happening anyway. It's subtle enough that I'm not sure I can even explain why.

Art is 10 also. It's rather different from the standard manga artstyle nowadays, and transitioning to YKK after reading other things can be a bit jarring sometimes, but that's for no inherent flaw in the art itself. Of course, the scenery is beautiful - most, if not all, chapters have sections with no text and nothing but panoramic scenes of whatever landscape Alpha happens to admiring. The prevalence of these really adds to the manga - rather than slowing it down and making it boring, the images provide a strong sense of the world in which the story is happening, and almost as much is said by the art as by the text (especially when it comes to the background plot).

Character gets a 9 - the Romantic Two Girl Friendship between Alpha and Kotone seems unnecessary and a bit distracting, though that's more my personal taste. It's subtle enough that you don't really have to notice it, though. Beyond that, the characters are done very well, with all but the most minor characters having very well-defined and interesting personalities. There's no one who seems like "all they ever do is X". In the case of Takahiro and Makki, watching them grow up is one of the most heartwarming aspects of the manga.

Enjoyment is turned up to 11. YKK has actually raised my standards for manga - I read a bit less now, since every time I read I hope for an experience like this and am almost always disappointed. (Not to say that whatever I read isn't worth reading, it's just not on the level of YKK.) I mentioned the mood that it puts me in, and I truly wish I could find another story like YKK that would induce the same feeling. There are a few that come close (the Sketchbook anime is pretty good at this), but nothing I have yet found has matched YKK in excellence.

If you're someone who is trying to want simplicity and quiet in their life, but just can't get away from the distractions of modern society, read this. It'll do all the work for you. The hard part is keeping the feeling going once you've finished it.

YKK is a wonderful manga - it's interesting and beautifully-drawn, and it imparts a sense of "the world is worth looking at" and makes you want to go out and do exactly that.
Soul Liquid Chambers
Soul Liquid Chambers
Soul Liquid Chambers
Soul Liquid Chambers review
Soul Liquid Chambers
Apr 14, 2021
Soul Liquid Chambers review
So, first thing's first, this is written by the author of Dance in the Vampire Bund. If you like DitVB, but wanted a post apocalyptic wasteland and less gothic lolita and vampires, then read this!

If you haven't read DitVB, then here's my actual review.

The story is decent, and draws upon the worldbuilding cleverly. Two sisters travel the wasteland in search of their father with the help of the guide Emil and their interchangeable cybernetic limbs. The pace is fast, so it doesn't take long to get through parts, which means it'a also a very energetic manga, if that makes any sense. It doesn't really have an ending (more accurately, it ends with "The End of the Beginning"), but I'm holding out hope the author might continue this after his current run of DitVB.

The art is good, but I should tell you there's a lot of loli fan service. If that's what you're here for, great! If not, then be warned. Otherwise, female characters all have the same face, and anatomy can be weird at times, but it works in most cases with the frenetic action.

Characters. Where do I begin with this one? There's a loli. And another loli who lives in a teddy bear. Sometimes they switch places, and one of them is crazy. The crazy one does the majority of the fighting (and is also best loli). If you're here for more than lolis, then there's also Emil, a guide who protects people through the wasteland.

Enjoyment. I enjoyed this manga and would love to read more if it ever get's continued. Will you enjoy it? Well, can you either enjoy lolis or overlook all the fan service? If the volume covers don't deter you, you'll probably enjoy this.

Overall, I give this an 8. I enjoyed what there was and would love to read more. For the record, and for fans of DitVB, it's not as good as DitVB. If you're here for lolis, and haven't read DitVB, either read that first or read that instead. But then come back to this one cuz this is good too.
Shoujo Tsubaki
Jinrou Game: Crazy Fox
Becchin to Mandara
Becchin to Mandara
Becchin to Mandara
Becchin to Mandara review
Becchin to Mandara
Apr 10, 2021
Becchin to Mandara review
Just personal scratch.
Advised, possible spoilers.
Opinion & Informal

Art: 6/10 It had its moments. The two page spreads were decent but few and far between for the surreal vibe this manga was trying to go for. The character designs were... okay though very rough at times. The art too could get very rough and unappealing at times.

Panel Progression: 4/10 A mess. Jiro, the author, didn't seem like he knew what he wanted to do with the story or narrative. The panel progression left a lot of questions and just ended up making a lot of things more confusing that they should have been. The panel progression and structure never really added substance or information to the story and only really detracted from it. The panel progression would often leave me double-taking on what just happened or if there was something I missed or was supposed to infer.

Characters: 4/10 The character development was abysmal. The characters weren't memorable or appealing in any sort of way and Jiro, the author, did nothing to bring out any sympathy, pity or any emotions in particular for any of the characters. I don't feel like this manga did a very good job in connecting any of the characters to the reader, me, emotionally and it was often the case where I felt disgusted, annoyed or bored with characters. Mandara was annoying. Becchin was annoying and uninteresting and the Caretaker was annoying and stupid.

Plot: 4/10 Jiro probably had something like a story or concept in mind but didn't have any idea as to how he would convey it. It really feels like had had no idea what kind of direction he wanted to take this story in; constantly bouncing around between a decent emotionally thoughtful relationship between two scarred girls setup, a social commentary on war, conflict and the real struggles two adolescent girls would face, to some out-of-left-field scat/vomit/rape fetish book.

Development: 4/10 The story was everywhere. Character relationships weren't properly setup or built. Plot development flip-flopped around and genres of this work often changed. Stupid plot points were introduced and decent ones were dropped or led in odd directions.

Conclusion: 4/10 What conclusion?

Overall: 4/10 Bleh. Honestly feels like a scat/vomit/rape fetish book under the guise of a surreal and artsy manga.
Ore wa Mada Honki Dashitenai dake
Bokutachi no Tabi
Akumu no Elevator
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