Freezing review

Apr 04, 2021
Action is the most notable trait of this series. You can see that by looking at how far they go to keep everyone fighting the whole time. Thats probably good. If you are one of those who think "love + fight = suck", then thats probably bad.

There is plenty of good funny moments, bishies, ecchi (although mostly restricted to random boobage) and awkwardness. Most importantly, it is nicely adapted to today's teenage. Thats good if you are into it.

The "freezing effect" seems secondary to the series, and probably will only have deeper "Deus Ex Machina" meanings about love. Poorly explored. This is bad.

Overall, the series is really bland. A blatant [plagio] typical to manhwa but at this point one never knows. You cant really say it is "only a reference" when the whole thing screams of productions like Evangelion or Sekirei. They didnt even bother to substantially change chara names, except when they did, they did so awfully.

That said, the series is extremely enjoyable, mostly not by its own merit, but because it is borrows from some of the best manga moments in a wide variety of genres. Which can be good or bad. If you only want to enjoy some random manga, definitely read it. If you are looking for a "diff experience", you will feel its lacking on many levels.


Author Im, Dal Young