Freezing review

Apr 04, 2021
What have here, is something else folks. It might not be to some, those who've been reading manga and watching anime since it's inception of sorts, but trust me when I say 'The potential of this manga is vast'. Now some of you may have watched the anime first and have the thought "If the anime was shit, why would I bother with the manga?". Let me tell you why. The anime was undoubtedly shit, no one try to change my mind here please. And I read the manga first so it was even worse. Don't go with the anime whatsoever. The levels on which these two units can be placed are, Anime: 1 (and that's feeling generous) and Manga:10.

Lets start with the story. Initially, it seems like the plot follows the life of a new student, Kazuya, who wields impressive power and that of a beautiful, hot, cute, independent, strong, and later on kind Queen, Satellizer, and their love stricken story, along with other minor stories of other beautiful women. Mind the word 'Initially'. After a short while, things start to pick up on a larger scale, gradually that scale increases, and is even currently increasing. I won't go into detail bout that, but a small part. The invasion of dimensional beings know as 'Nova' forces the hand of humans to create weapons in the form of 'Pandora', who are only female, and their counterparts in the form of 'Limiters', and it is left in the hands of these selective, gifted few to prevent the world from being consumed/destroyed or whatever by the Nova's.......well shit......

Artwork,'s not just the covers like some manga, it's the real deal. Kim Kwang-Hyun, brilliantly illustrates the spectacular moments envisioned. What's e also amazing is that, this art is x10's better than that of the anime, so a complete 'HELL YES!' there.

But a part that I neglected to mention is that I did stop reading Freezing at one point. I was up-to date and all that, and I just.....quit. Maybe I got tired of it. And this was after being completely mesmerized mind you. And this went on for what seems like a year and a half now. But when I came back.......have you read one of those manga or even books for that matter that you just can't seem to put down? This falls into that very category. Be it on the computer, tablet, mobile, I can't seem to stop reading it, and it's only at extremely few points that you can take a break and not be left at a cliffhanger. Ohh and just to ascertain for some of you, the erotic nature is a factor, without a doubt. Yet that's only ONE of the factors. Trust me people, just give it a shot. You might end up getting addicted like me or you might not, personal opinion will always exist, but you won't know till you try. Hope this was a helpful......or at least entertaining.....or interesting or.......SOMETHING along those lines kind of read.

Freezing is awesome. Period.


Author Im, Dal Young