Elfen Lied review

Apr 02, 2021
A beautiful, beautiful piece of work to say the least – a special thank you to the creator: Lynn Okamoto! This manga captured the shocking revelation of a true human society that was thought unknown, whilst still evoking emotion with every blood and tear drop. The manga leaves the reader with an internal conflict, rendering them unable to deduce right from wrong – were the actions of Lucy ever justifiable given her constantly miserable circumstances?

The ending, from what I’ve gathered, has been highly censured; it wasn’t some asinine, outrageous ending, it was just considered… ‘Unpopular’. I, personally, fail to see any alternate ending that’d please the audience whilst maintaining the plot’s integrity and I still believe that the ending was far better than what could’ve been.

I’d recommend this manga to anyone who is interested in the philosophical and morale aspects of life or to anyone who wants to be emotionally moved by such works. It is definitely the best piece of literature that I’d ever read; I was continuously reminded of the times of happiness (and how precious they are), times of sadness, times of pain, times of love, times of loneliness, times of anger, times of fear, times of betrayal, times of confusion, times of blood and times of tears.

I’ve loved every element of this manga, sure I’d change a few things around for my personal benefit however it’s perfect the way it is!


Elfen Lied
Elfen Lied
Author Okamoto, Lynn