Dengeki Daisy review

Mar 31, 2021
This is the first manga I have gotten into, and I am absolutely in love with it. I literally sob incoherently almost every page. It has the right amount of comedic scenes, as well as a heart-wrenching love story and a bunch of other mysteries built into the manga itself. I love this manga, seriously.

And the art is beautiful! Tasuku is hot-- I'm not going to lie-- and Teru is cute and strong-willed. I love when they're together @_@ It makes me want to be happy for them. In my opinion, I think Kyousuke Motomi is an incredible author. The pace moves perfectly. There is suspense and built-up tension where there needs to be, and there are no fillers unless the author specifically notes that it was a special, somewhat irrelevant add-on.

The manga only gets better after every chapter, so I highly suggest you keep reading if you're not completely hooked in the first few chapters.
*sobs* So good...


Dengeki Daisy
Dengeki Daisy
Author Motomi, Kyousuke