Date A Live review

Apr 02, 2021
This is the series that hooked me into light novel, literally both the adaptions and the original works. I used to be dazed and amazed of it, and hell yeah that I have had overcome that period, because I can now write a review of its true self.

First, the story. I could say that the author had done well. He set the chain of events in the most precise order, and the explosive moments in each volume were so enjoyable to me. Maybe that was why I had been really hyped for it.

However, like every other novel complicated in its contents, his characters met the same fate. School, Slice of Life, Mecha, Action, Harem, Romance, Supernatural, Comedy, Sci-Fi. Those maybe not all of the concept, but still fugazy/confusing (The Wolf of Wall Street) enough, you know. And among the swamp the author created, each character had their own stage. I can say that their debuts were marvelous, because like I said, Koushi Tachibana knew the right time to throw a rock in the puddle. But like a natural complexity of every Harem, they couldn't be developed tenderly and purposedly enough, because there were so many of them. In addition, the characters wouldn't change themselves much until the author had to put an end to his series with something dramatic. That's why, when I overcame that session, I was like, 'Wow, people did say something right about a series.' Shidou Itsuka didn't fall far from his tree, neither did the girls, except Kurumi Tokisaki and Reine Murasame/Mio. Tokisaki is an impactful character, but I still couldn't endure her personality. Still said I, that the storytelling was well prepared enough to cover for it to a certain extend. Nevertheless, Tachibana has wasted such potential of them.

I only like some fragments of the end, like those of Yoshino and Natsumi. And the closing ceremony is what I hate, because it was too forceful. Well, I can't get the interests of Japaneses, anyway.

This is a really 'easy' one to read in the sea of written works. If the thrilling action part is what you are searching for, then this way of storytelling'll be the thing suitable for it. Still this series is just one honoured mention of me.


Date A Live
Date A Live
Author Tachibana, Koushi