Chikan Otoko review

Apr 02, 2021
NOT WHAT IT SOUNDS LIKE!!! Allow me to explain. Molester man is the story of a young college student named Molester Man (not very creative names here) who is wrongly accused of stalking a girl named Miss Understanding. After things are cleared up with the police, he is free, but is in love with Miss Understanding. For me to go into anymore detail would spoil the fun for anyone who wants to read it. What makes this manga cool is that it isn't a manga, it is a doujin that was written by an artist named Yokota Takuma, who based the story on a 2ch thread. So it is basically the equivalent of someone making a comic book out of a 4chan thread. The art is amateurish and the layout itself is sloppy, but that's what makes it so special. Doujins are separate from the corporate world of manga and publishing studios. The artist who wrote this manga didn't write it for any specific audience, or to make a large amount of money. There is no gratuitous fan service or cutesy, moe, loli's. Takuma simply seeks to entertain us, and he does so splendidly through the humor and unexpectedly dramatic romance of Molester Man. GO READ IT


Chikan Otoko
Chikan Otoko
Author Yokota, Takuma