Cheese in the Trap Season 1 review

Apr 02, 2021
This is actually my first review, so don't expect much.

I'm not really a big fan of mystery, but this one takes the cake...or something.

Almost the whole story is being told by Hong Sul, the main character's point of view. The things she encounters, the trouble she goes through and the people she meets. There isn't any fantasy or anything supernatural in this story, yet it is by far one of the best things I have read.

Give this try, even if you're thinking it'll be boring. In the end, It doesn't hurt to try does it? I actually thought about not reading this at first, and I thought it wouldn't be interesting, but goodness was I wrong! I absolutely do not regret picking up this story!

The art isn't absolutely gorgeous or intricate, it's quite simple, yet I just love the art. The characters' expressions actually have emotion. You can feel the emotion being expressed just from a simple stare or glare from the characters. Even the occasional chibi style which appears is quite amusing.

I just love all the characters, I can't even bring myself to hate some of the arrogant characters. Another interesting thing is that you just don't know what some of the characters are thinking....especially Yoo Jung, in fact, he is probably most mysterious, which just adds to my interest in this story. And Sul, she is probably one of my favourite female leads (but that's just my opinion), she's calm and smart, sometimes suspicious and cautious. It's always interesting when we discover her thoughts, feelings, and reactions to different people and situations.

The story has probably been encountered before. 'A college student student going through life' sounds like a pretty boring story, but this...this story is simply amazing!

Although there may be those who don't like mystery or psychological stuff, this isn't too dramatic. There is just the right dose of comedy, suspense and drama, simply amazing.

It's quite rare...actually very rare, for me to rate a slice-of-life story as a 10, but this story is just outstanding. There isn't a lot of stories which I have rated a 10. By far the most realistic slice-of-life that I have read.
Highly recommended.


Cheese in the Trap Season 1
Cheese in the Trap Season 1
Author Soonkki