Koe no Katachi review

Apr 15, 2021
Anywhere we go in the world. There is bullying although it may only seem to apply to children but anyone can be victimised, forgotten which can make them angry, sad, depressed or even TAKE there own lives. We can not stop this completely as its integrated into are society however we can make the world a better place. Ask yourself this question if you are bullying someone. "Why do I do it?, How does it make me feel?". Of course the awnser might be obvious but the action is completly different. "You can change things in this world, however one thing you cannot change is the past". I am pretty sure anyone has regrets in there life and maybe there will be more in the future. That's why it's better to take action now the later cause I am sure you will suffer in silence. You can ask for forgiveness from the victim but you cannot take his/her past experiences. It's an engraving which has been permanently marked into their memory. The solution to mask this is by creating memories with laughter and happiness.

For people to bully others. There must be a reason why try do it?. Of course there are complete idiots in this world who think nothing and feel nothing. Anyone must have experience this in school and even saw it happening. Most humans are kind and respectable but there who look a blind eye and turn around walking away from the scene.

When we are bullied we either ignore it and suffer in silence or take action. This in turn effects our behaviour and furthermore effects the people around you.

Koe no Katachi or the silent voice (In english) takes the above points and gives a story by giving amazing depth into characters, plot and most importantly development.

The manga artist sure knew how to make reality into non fiction. The emotions, setting, characters and even down to there appearances. All were a mirror of life in motion.

But it doesn’t stop there. Ishida Shouya knew his mistakes and he made himself go under heavy change just to meet and pay back what he has done to Nishimiya Shouko. He worked hard to the best of abilities to ensure he has no "Regrets".

Although he knew an apology would not get him anywhere he would try his best to ensure he will compesate his past.

Knowing your realtionships with friends, relatives and any other person is a key factor in your life. You can either be sad or happy choosing one will lead you to your goal but choose wisely as this is your ultimate descion.

You will look at your past one day and see that a better future might be waiting for you. If you cant change the past please remember that you can STILL change the future.

This story will carry your emotions and your soul. Get ready for a ride which gives you a greater or even a little more view of the world.

Thanks for reading.


Koe no Katachi
Koe no Katachi
Author Ooima, Yoshitoki