Koe no Katachi review

Apr 16, 2021
Well hello. We got another tough one no?

Koe no Katachi... well, it's a manga about bullying. It should be in it's genre. It's drama, psychologicial and BULLYING. It should be like that.
Let me get this out of the way, this CAN'T be real. It just cannot be. I've had my fair share of bullying, and 'till I managed to punch the sucker out of his misery, I got bullied. That was my problem. That was my cowardness that I gave in to. And it seemed it was the biggest problem of the world. But, it was "childish." That bullying was childish. It was at a kids level. When you looked at it from afar, you knew that two kids were brawling. In my lifetime, I have never seen kids who act this... "monstrous". What was happening in the early chapters was NOT bullying. No it was something else. I've never seen kids like this in my life time. This seriously pisses me off. I mean, if they are kids, then what the hell were we? We got bullied, we bullied others, but no one never "really" wanted to harm. I mean, we never pushed the boundries of "being a kid", did we? Did we break people's equipments that would cost them 1.7 MILLION YEN and get away with it? What's up with that? Try converting that to your currency, YOU CAN STUDY AT A FOREIGN UNIVERSTY WITH THAT MONEY. The people who are portrayed in this manga, are bad people. No, I didn't say kids you see. I said "bad people". And this just pissed me off, thinking that f*ckers like this might be all around and we got so lucky and never noticed. If this is portraying the current Japanese children, then something is so very fucked up with Japan. In my country, if a kid calls their mother a "bitch", s/he'd get beaten up so bad, it'd probably switch the locations of the kid's mouth and nose. I do not recommend this manga to readers who are under 12.
God! I just can't calm down, even though it's just a manga.

Well, with that out of the way, let me start.

Story: It's the synopsis. There's this one little spoiled brat who does anything for his fun. Then he meets the deaf girl who goes to his school, and scarred her for life. Then the ball returns to him, and he pays the bill. Short summary.

Art: It's decent. Well, I can't really say anything because when I start reading the words, I forget everything else. But one thing bugged me, "the mouths". You'll see my meaning after you read it.

Character: This part is my favorute part, since I can say whatever I want in this part. Let me start with our main bastard whom you'll hate so much, you'll wonder why you're still reading this manga, Ishida Shouya. He's... Well I never hated any other character in my life. No as a person, it seriously stressed me. I mean, how the hell did he get away with all that? (At first I mean, lol he's so f*cked up later) There are adults who are in that school, and they just say "It's bad, don't bully" ? Well then f*cking save her from bullying you brainfarted monkey.

I'm calm. Well, Ishida Shouya. You'll hate him. I guarentee it. You just will. You will wish that he was dead from the very first time he jumped from that bridge. You will wish that they will f*cking rape his ass with 50 inch dildos. He just bullies this sweetest girl in the world who is deaf for the reason of his "boredom". I don't want to spoil the "kids bullying" for you, but it goes to a point of her transferring out from school. He literally beats her to that point. To that point, I'm sure you'll hate his guts. No, you'll want to cut his balls and switch it with his eyes.
Well, that's karma. What goes around, comes back around. People hate his guts for the bullying. Don't get me wrong, his class is also full of spoiled little punks, and when the teachers want a scape goat, they all point him and sell him out. It's amazing how many bad apples can gather in a school. Take teachers or students, they were all messed up. Not one good person was in there, and it seriously makes me wonder if Japan is really like this. They sell him out, and start bullying him. Do all kinds of messed up things to him. And you don't feel any sympathy, not one bit. You want it to keep going, and they do. They f*ck him up, and it was like god's way of saying "Karma, b*tch!". He grows up alone, hated and despised.
Well, he grows up. He despises himself, more then we do. He hates his own guts. He knows that he stole that girl's life from her, and he can't find a way to repent. No, he thinks he doesn't deserve forgiveness (Well I think so too). So he goes to see her to apologize for the last time, and kill himself after it.

Well, that's the ginx of it. I'm going to stop the character part here, since if I start, this review will be a booklong, but I'll just say that there will be a moment when you will hate all of the characters, and like all of the characters.

Overall: Well this manga was a pushed one for me. I hated it, but I just had to read it. It never seemed realistic to me, and I freaking hated the mangaka. Now thinking about it, why the hell did I read it? It wasn't heartwarming or sweet, fuck no it was the opposite. It was fucking dark and gloomy. It was depressing, showing all the fucked up sides of people. Who the hell thinks that this manga is sweet?
And I give an overall score of 8, because no other manga moved me this much. Be it in a good way or bad, it's been sometime that I've hated someone this hard. (Ouma Shu, Guilty Crown. I'll never forget that pussy.)
Read it if you want to. You won't forget it once you finish it.



Koe no Katachi
Koe no Katachi
Author Ooima, Yoshitoki