Tokyo Ghoul:re review

Mar 26, 2021
After 112 chapters, (I followed it weekly) I found like it was time to drop in my own two cents after seeing several reviews that didn't reflect the true scale of this sequel.

At a first glance, yes, it does seem weaker than its predecessor. Some new kid; Haise Sasaki is running the block, and many people were confused and pretty disappointed when Ken Kaneki wasn't returning.

Well, heads up people.

Without spoiling anything, all I can say is Ken Kaneki is definitely prominent in this series, and I mean as a character, not some fading memory like good ol' Rize. It took a while to get to that certain point, but that point is definitely there.

The art is great. The story is pretty good. The cast...well. The original cast returns (very much later), but Tokyo Ghoul:re introduces us to a rather large cast. I'll be honest and say it; I can only remember one or two of their names, out of like, thirty. Some had strong moments, for say a chapter or two, but then are left forgotten, which is really disappointing seeing lost potential.

This manga also loves to hop around between scenes, so don't expect to see your favourite character balling every chapter.

Overall, the majority of the new cast is trash, can't remember a tenth of their faces. Some were good, don't get me wrong, just most of them were easily forgettable and rapidly developed before being abandoned. The original cast from the previous series appear very late in the series but have very minimal interaction and dialogue so far. It's still great for what it is, and am still looking forward to the next chapters.



Tokyo Ghoul:re
Tokyo Ghoul:re
Author Ishida, Sui