Kimi no Iru Machi review

Apr 02, 2021
well i would say this is by far Seo Kouj's best manga ever written behind his previous work Suzuka...

In regards with the manga... it is like the reincarnation of Suzuka not just because of physical similarities of characters to both mangas but also the protagonists' personality... and also the relationship with every character...

but what makes the difference with suzuka and kimi no iru machi is the twist... i would say kimi no iru machi is far more romantic, realistic and it keeps you interesting...

I love the idea how most of the heroines fell in love with haruto that it becomes a harem-like manga as you read further on the chapters...

though some would say a romance story set with high school students becomes cliche due to the fact that this setting had already been used and murdered many times by various manga/anime... still the story makes difference... which makes kimi no iru machi achieved its stardom as of today...



Kimi no Iru Machi
Kimi no Iru Machi
Author Seo, Kouji