Re:Monster review

Apr 04, 2021
What happens when you let a teenage otaku suffering from chuunibyo, write his own light novel? Re:Monster would be that answer.

Well I'm not sure if it is a kid who wrote this mess of a novel but it definitely matches the storytelling that one of my younger cousins would come up with when they were in their early teens.

Re:Monster is another fantasy/re-incarnation tale that I've just started reading having come across this series as recommendation after reading Gun-Ota, Mushoku Tensei and Souen no Historia(novels that also have re-incarnation as a theme).

So going back to my first sentence, Re:Monster really feels like a kid had wrote it and the story-telling itself feels like a copy of a walkthrough you'd find at GameFAQ/dot/com(no...seriously). Everything is narrated like as if the main character was in a game(even though he isn't) and the way he levels up is so stupid that if this was actually a game, the game company would have gone bankrupt before end of volume 1.

One of the reasons why I rate this series poorly is due to that; no matter how much you try to paint the MC as a hero(or anti-hero) or even a villain, he is anything but due to having no plot and the repetitiveness of his antics has pretty much gone stale by volume 2. To make matters worse, he has a harem of (human)women suffering Stockholm-syndrome who is meant to be in love with him. I won't go in to detail so as not to spoil for any potential reader, but one thing I will say is that that part of the series felt like I was reading hentai for a moment. Like really...

Anyways...back to the review; Re:Monster is not recommendable for all. Some may like it or are only their for the M18+ moments but to be honest, even those occasions are dry after his second time.

Overall Rating: 3/10


Author Kanekiru, Kogitsune