Re:Monster review

Apr 04, 2021
Re: Monster is definitely one of the most enjoyable novels I have read in a long time. Firstly I should mention that the writing style is similar to a diary and everything is viewed in first person. Dialogue we see is few and the readers only view characters as the way Rou perceives them (Most of the time)... can also be certain instances where we get POV of others but it is few. With that said besides Rou we don't get much of other characters but I still really like Rou and his power so it is fine for me but if you don't like the cold calculating anti-hero type then avoid Re:Monster. Next is the story and in this novel it takes an approach where there isn't one huge goal but more of whatever the MC feels like doing he will do, you might think that gets boring but his antics are one of the best parts (without spoiling much I will just say he is very greedy and always wants to improve his abilities and position in the new world. Examples being going into a fight he only believes he has a 30% chance of victory just because he wants the abilities of the monster or using addictive lotion on nobles so they always have to come back to his massage shop...) There is sex in this story but it isn't descriptive and he also has several wives so warning for the people who don't want that. Art isn't very involved as it is a novel but a manga version of this is out and it is done pretty nicely. I would recommend this to people who are looking for a story about a character who starts at the bottom and travels to the top.

Now for the flaws as I did have a few I want to mention. Firstly is like I said earlier how it is all written like a diary, it is definitely a double edged sword and it makes me feel less connected to other characters. Secondly is the fact that it has great story potential but it isn't used to its fullest and what I mean is how he was reincarnated and his blessing by a greater god. They aren't delved into much even by day 190 (vol 5) so guys who like epic stories definitely will dislike the feeling of such wasted potential. I had a few other issues but none worth mentioning.

Conclusion is that I really enjoy it and will continue reading as long as it keeps going. I also want to mention since bakaupdates (the site most people know of) doesn't update when new chapters are translated and I don't know why. On the wiki you can read all of volumes 1-5 in english that was translated by Pacem community translations. For the hardcore fans of this series who are looking for some like it I would also recommend checking out Royal Road Legend or Japtem as they have hundreds of Fanfics just off this novel, which isn't surprising as the world concept is epic!


Author Kanekiru, Kogitsune