Ame no Hi no Iris review

Apr 02, 2021
In stark contrast to the title of this novel, I read it when it was a warm sunny day and I was spending time on the Internet. This novel is wonderful to read.

When you read translations, you can't really say that you've read the work as the author intended it to be but I am sure the translators did a good job as the style of the novel was consistent and flowed naturally. The story is nothing groundbreaking, it's not something that'll amaze you but it delivers its message clearly. If you're worried that it'll be confusing since it's in the future, don't be.

The art of this novel is good. While it is not anything to write home about. I feel that the personalities and general feel of the characters match up with their depictions in the art. There aren't many of them so don't let your dislike for the art weigh in too much to your decision to read this.

At first, it's just Iris and her master but gradually new characters are introduced. The relationship between the characters are plainly obvious and their thoughts are shown through their actions and words. Iris, of course, develops the most. The changes she goes through do not seem sudden, on the other hand, they are slow and perhaps realistic for an android.

This novel may be dreary at times but there's always a bit of humour and cheer sprinkled in between. I did not spend weeks analysing this novel but it did serve as food for thought for a few days. The themes presented are relatable especially, in these modern times and the plight of some characters are not at all hard to emphasise with.

All in all, I can only type what I think about this novel so just give it a read and maybe you'll find something you like about it when you do.


Ame no Hi no Iris
Ame no Hi no Iris
Author Matsuyama, Takeshi