Noblesse 's review

Mar 25, 2021
I have read my Veritas, The Breaker and Ares but for me this just didn't do it. I saw the recommendation for Noblesse being similar to Veritas so I gave it a try. But I was dissapointed.

The drawing from the very beginning was verry comic-like which put me off but I the art gets better further on so I skipped a hundred chapters or so just to check the art improvement. The art did improve and got sharper but still had the comic feel which was one of the reasons why I dropped it. Ares wouldn't get a gold star for the art but it went well with the story which was very good.

The speech areas and bubbles were stupidly big for pages with very little content. A full chapter feels more like a half with all the empty spaces.

The story even I didn't read much of the manhwa is good and the chars don't look so bad to. If the art was more ruff-like as in Veritas and more content filling then I would think again before dropping it.

This does not mean that Noblesse should be avoided as we each have our own liking and one mans trash is another mans treasure or so to speak.


Author Son, Jae-Ho