Midnight Secretary review

Apr 03, 2021
This is a well-written vampire romance manga which has all the typical elements, including a fairly straight playing of the typical Japanese vampire type (not-undead, sunlight not instantly fatal, vampirism is not an infection, vampires are rich and successful). As a josei manga, this is written for a more adult audience and the initial setting is a workplace.

As in many good romances, the man and woman are not instantly attracted; she thinks he's essentially a slick, irresponsible man-whore (before she even finds out about the vampirism) and he thinks she's a tediously conservative and boringly professional secretary. Of course (since this is a romance) things change, but with a rewarding lack of ease and many difficulties on the way.

Heroine Kaya is an admirable young woman, and her character makes the story work. She's capable, brave, and stubborn, and most certainly not just sitting there to be rescued and swept away by a dashing hero. Said hero is proud and arrogant, but not in the end enough of a jerk to turn off the audience or leave Kaya's reactions to him unrealistic.


Midnight Secretary
Midnight Secretary
Author Ohmi, Tomu