Bleach review

Apr 04, 2021

I loved reading the final arc of Bleach, but the thing that frustrated me was the lack of emotion that the final villain had.

The art is awesome, the characters are also awesome (Although they definitely deserve alot more detail and development, there is just so many of them...). I will probably end up purchasing the Character books due to the fact that I don't think I got the fill I needed from the manga or anime.

I want to know what happened in details that were not provided, and hope that to some degree certain things can be wrapped up.

****Spoilers but not in too much detail****

The manga ends very abruptly. You don't get to see the remodel (those who have read know what I mean), or the healing, or the burying of the dead.

All things that I would have loved to witness because it would have offered me closure.

And then on top of that, where the hell did Nel go? Or Yurichi? And since when was "She" the rando person THE KENPACHI.

So many things happened and there was so much growth in such a short period of time it felt so rushed and I just wish that Kubo would have had more time instead of having to rush for deadlines.

I just hope someday something is published or offered by Kubo to Bleach fans, because while I love this manga, I see what it could have been and its a disservice to not fix it.


Author Kubo, Tite