Apocalypse no Toride review

Apr 03, 2021
OK. I'm gonna keep this short.

Does the ending feel really really rushed?

YES. There is no denying that.

So, Does it suck?

Absolutely not! The story/plot isn't the strongest point of this manga. It is not intricate or deep. It won't leave you retrospecting about its characters or plot. What the author excels in is visual storytelling. Each chapter starts and ends with a bang, with amazing action, mystery, and artwork that complements it perfectly. The characters go through zombie hell without getting a break. At no point does it feel slow or dragged out. And this is where the author failed in my opinion. He failed to bank on this aspect of the story and continue to a satisfactory end. By the time you reach the end, you are ecstatic with joy and suspense. Wanting to read more, you rush through the chapters but are brought to a screeching halt. And the manga just ends.

The destination isn't gonna be the best, but strap yourself in for one heck of a wild journey.


Apocalypse no Toride
Apocalypse no Toride
Author Kuraishi, Yuu