Karate Shoukoushi Kohinata Minoru review

Apr 03, 2021
I'm writing this review because I've never written one before and I really like this manga. Btw this is being written by someone who is a 1st Dan in Goju Ryu style karate.

I'm currently reading this manga and I am up to date with it too. I rated it 8 (very good) overall because I feel that it's really interesting and quite accurate too. Plus it's quite helpful when you want to try something new on who you're practising Kumite with :)

The storyline is also good - a gymnast who gets bullied and starts to learn karate. One can easily get intrigued as to how it will play out. I only have one problem though and it is that there seems to be a thing where characters from the very beginning have chances to grow whereas new-ish members just have that side-man, mascot feel to them. Like Pedro for example, all he seems to be is the homosexual, BJJ practitioner who hasn't had a chance to grow in his karate even though I feel like he can be quite good in karate too.

Overall I think it is a good manga to read if you like fighting/martial arts stories so I definitely recommend it.



Karate Shoukoushi Kohinata Minoru
Karate Shoukoushi Kohinata Minoru
Author Baba, Yasushi