Kanojo, Okarishimasu review

Apr 03, 2021
I started from the anime and had a hard time enduring the very first eps. I mean, Kazuya (MC) is the master of “making us crazy”. And after 9 eps, I was pretty much done with the anime. Then one day, I was googling some images of Kanojo Okarishimasu and ended finding by accident a big spoiler page from a 3 digit chapter. This got me worried like “What happened here? Omg do I have to read the whole thing to know it?.. fine, I’ll read it” and that’s how I read 155 chs (lies. I started from where the anime stopped (around chapter 33)) in 1 day. Here’s my review:

Tl;dr: Dope story, evolves well. Beautiful drawings and cute girls. Unique characters. MC is a headache but give him a chance (more details below). Pure enjoyment (I love RomComs, so I’m a bit suspect to say it), worth reading. Overall: 9

Story - 9
It would be an easy 10, but Kazuya sometimes still gives me some headaches. But still, I don’t get bored reading it. I usually don’t read manga, I’m more into anime, but since it was a RomCom, I’ve opened a exception and gave it a try. And yes, to make me read 155 chs in 1 day, that’s a real deal right there. I warn you tho: I endured the first half like a boss. Seriously, don’t read it if you have anger issues. I do have. Almost threw my tablet off the window, but I endured it and it was totally worth it. The 2nd half just gets better and better. I can call Kazuya “my man” now, when at first I just wanted him to walk away from my babes, so he stops being an a****le with Chizuru and the girls. But now, I’m proud of my boy and I root for him to get out of his troubles.

Art - 10
“Wait, an ‘anime only’ weeb gave a 10 to the art?” I mean, yeah. Even I can tell how pretty the drawings are. The girls look super cute, the guys are basic, but boys ARE basic, so no problem with that, as long I can tell the difference between the MC and his friends, I see no problem. The scenario looks amazing aswell: no much pollution; detailed but simple; simple but detailed. I just love it.

Character - 9 (legend: 1st half -> 2nd half)
Kazuya - 3 -> 8
As I said, he really gave me headaches and almost made me lose my tablet a couple of times, BUT I can’t dislike him in the few moments where he’s being awesome. Not awesome enough to get a 9, because he still has a hard time to get over some stupid things he did, but cool enough to deserve my respect. Give him a chance, you will like him too.

Chizuru - 10 -> 9.5
I do love her. She’s gorgeous, mature, stunning, has attitude and can handle hard times by herself. But.. man I wish she wasn’t so hard on herself. She could make things much easier (on the 2nd half). But I respect her tenacity. I won’t talk much, to not risk giving a spoiler, but all I can say is that she really is amazing and keeps evolving above and beyond in each chapter. She is the queen afterall.

Mami - 3 -> 3
She’s Kazuya’s ex GF. Enough said. Got points for being cute, but “liking” her is a bit too much for me. But again, that’s me and my review. There’s a % of readers who will like her. I just happened to be in the % of who don’t. She appears more in the first half, so it won’t take long for you to rate her, if you start reading.

Ruka - 6 -> 8
She’s a bit annoying, but in the 2nd half she evolves nicely and I like her backstory. I kinda root for her, but since Kazuya and Chizuru are cannon, I don’t give high hopes, but still I just can’t help. She’s nice.

Sumi - 9 -> 12
BEST GIRL. Change my mind. I adopted her. I simp for her even in the “No simp september”. I secretly curse anyone who talks bad about her (in the manga and irl). Don’t you dare lewd her, you will lose an eye ò.ó. Ok, enough drama: She’s super cute, she tries her best in the cutest way possible, she is so reliable even in her shy way of living. I just can’t handle myself. Too bad Kazuya and Chizuru are cannon, I would really love my boy to take good care of best girl, since all I can do is read and he can be there for her. It’s sad that she doesn’t appear very often, but any chapter with her is a chapter worth reading. You will like her too. And if you don’t, it’s fine (I hope lightning strikes you twice ò.ó) ^^ <3

Enjoyment - 10
As you can see in my Character review, I’m having a lot of fun reading this manga. It’s the RomCom that I didn’t know I needed. Just pure joy. A rollercoaster of emotions, yes. But lots of joy.

Overall - 9
I think I talked too much in this review, but if you made it to this point, I just wanna say Thank You for reading it so far. It’s a lovely manga, I promise. This is my first review on MAL, which means a lot, since I watch anime for a long time, but never got open to share my reviews about em. Hope this wont be the last. If I helped you to consider reading it, let me know! Cya <3


Kanojo, Okarishimasu
Kanojo, Okarishimasu
Author Miyajima, Reiji