Shamo review

Apr 03, 2021
I read some of the reviews and how can someone hate this manga? yall just don't understand the latest chapters, the message from the author, and the philosophy of it. tbh I was going to score this manga 9, but the ending made me score 10.
everyone is upset with the ending, but why you hate something that you don't understand? Shamo doesn't deserve a score below 7-8 trust me. everyone has their own opinion, but saying like that "It'S BaD" makes me mad. People who keep saying that in shamo there were no psychological meanings, no philosophy and that was just stupid story, had no development, then I have nothing to say to people like that, I just feel sorry for you cos you don't understand and won't be able to feel Shamo's aura, philosophy. The ending was truly a masterpiece... I didn't read, I felt every moment, I felt everything in the latest chapters and it even made my mind gone high... People who are laughing at shamo and now at my review, are people who hate things, that can't/don't understand. It just like with Monster Urasawa Naoki's other masterpiece, some people laughed at monster cos they couldn't understand what was the point and "who was the monster" I know everyone has their own opinion so I'll stop my anger from now.
I don't want to spoil it so I'll just write my own opinion about this Masterpiece...

firstly I wanna admit while reading the first chapter I was like: "wtf is this?" IDK why, I was 14 yr and didn't understand art, aura, didn't liked so much I guess... after 6-7 chapters I remember that I changed my mind and started to like it very much! It starts with a young boy, who killed his parents, goes to juvenile prison, he is a passive boy who can't even fight and defend himself, every prisoner beats him, but one day when one prisoner forces him to..... ahem! I can't write that on MAL I fear moderators will ban me so.. :d
He stands for himself... (SPOILER ALERT) he will kill that prisoner after that character really changes a lot, you can't recognize him, even more... you actually starting to hate him, but It's too soon to hate him cos story develops in every chapter, so as a character too...

THIS IS MASTERPIECE right here fellas! so read this if you want, don't listen to hate reviews, If it's bad check it by yourself and make your own decision.


Author Tanaka, Akio