Angel Shop review

Apr 05, 2021
I've got to say, I didn't jump into this manwha expecting to enjoy it. However, I was completely wrong in this assumption, and ended up really liking it.

As far as the art went, I found it very pleasant to look at. The art was very detailed, and very soft and inviting, almost giving off a warmth that few artists can effectively achieve. The artwork itself LOOKS like it belongs in shojo, adding to the tone and feel of the entire series.

I did have a hard time relating to some characters, because their personalities seemed so unrealistic and dry. This was contrasted by other characters, who were inherently funny and enjoyable. Of course, as the story progressed, I began to understand the characters better, and even the ones I at first was unable to relate to became more dimensional and likeable.

I feel that this storyline is one that isn't overused at all, and it was in fact quite refreshing, which made the entire series more enjoyable for me. The first chapter effectively drew me in, and by the end my stomach was dropping and heart was racing as the plot was delved into. All in all, the story itself was very well done.

To sum up everything I've said so far, I would definitely recommend this manwha to anyone who is looking for something short yet satisfying. I genuinely liked this story, and was actually sad to finish it - a sentiment I rarely entertain for shojo as a genre. Whether you're bored, or are looking for something on the path less traveled by, I urge you to seriously consider at least sampling this piece.


Angel Shop
Angel Shop
Author Sook, Ji Hwang