Blame Gakuen! And So On review

Apr 09, 2021
A Blame! parody, and some random odds and ends from the Blame! and Knights of Sidonia universe(s?). There's also a few unrelated one-shots and a short essay about the rise of Moe tacked on at the end. I'm a sucker for coloured manga, so I couldn't resist giving this a high score based practically on the art alone. The quality of the individual stories fluctuates however. Special mention has to go to the story "Pump" for being one of the most disturbing things I've read in a long time.

Definitely worth a read if you're a Nihei completionist, or if you've ever wondered what Cibo's got going on under her body suit.


Blame Gakuen! And So On
Blame Gakuen! And So On
Author Nihei, Tsutomu