Kudan no Gotoshi review

Apr 12, 2021
Had a decent start but ultimately flopped till the end.

After finishing the entire manga, I can finally see why it had such a low rating here.

Let’s start with the plot. A plot doesn’t need to have a good story it can be simple at times and be great. But reading through the synopsis and after reading the manga it’s very clear that it isn’t as original as it may come out to be. I mean it’s basically a rip-off of so many horror genres with the same idea of “A group of friends going somewhere then eventually came across an accident where they go home and start having this curse shit where they only have XX days to live” kind of stuff.

The plot had a good start at first, I didn’t care about how unoriginal the plot is, what’s important is the consistency and the execution of how the story is portrayed and foretell it to be.

I focused on the main characters more since they are crucial for keeping – not only me, but also the readers to keep their drive to read. However, it didn’t really helped.

As the characters on this one was just as bland as the story is. It had no actual development. The whole idea it being that “how do we solve this curse” is the main stuff that is happening throughout the story.
As the story progresses further, we later get to learn more on Hikari which by the way, only confused me even more as it goes even further all the way till the end. As the story not only focused on the group itself but now apparently near the end it suddenly changed its focus by making the curse not only focused on the group itself but now the whole world. Some parts of the story were a bit lost for me and some even made me question wtf is happening now?

Well, what about the ending? Is it any good? At least have some decent ending, right? Well no. apparently it only confused me more as I was scanning each chapter near the end. It didn’t feel finished at all. But you know what? I’m glad it did end.

Overall, the plot wasn’t original, it had bad pacing, it was only good till the first half volume-ish something like that, it had no uniqueness at all and no decent development. 4/10

For enjoyment: I did enjoy some parts of it and found some parts disturbing (well mildly) but in the end, it was a boring experience for me and wished it had more context to give. 5/10
The art is decent however, I like it for its kind of genre but it’s alright. 6/10
So, is it recommendable?

No. if you have nothing else to read then go ahead and try this one. That’s what I had going anyway when I read this one. But there are definitely more good titles out there other than this one.




Kudan no Gotoshi
Kudan no Gotoshi
Author Watanabe, Jun