Again review

Apr 04, 2021
Well its 2017.. 105 chapters!? I know how odd (105 eng sub chapters so far that i could find). I'm writing this because I believe it is a little underrated. And for anyone who falls upon this manga with prying eyes.

Now I went into this through recommendations. Cliche really.. but with an open mind of not knowing what to expect and thoroughly enjoyed it (y'know what they say undersell it, so when they see it KABOOM mind blown - to an extent).

Time travel.. *wipes away the drool* well lets start that Again!! ;)
Time travel, who wouldn't wanna do it or at least try it in their life time.
Imamura Kinichiro the MC who had an uneventful/no social life in his high school days gets to restart it all from his first day of high school!? Because he fell down a flight of stais!! With someone else!!!? Heck yeah!! Won't be no accident, i'll throw myself off. Of course going back in time you would think you could change the future (which was the present). But if you never had a single friend and never did anything, where would you start?

What makes Again!! so unique of course isn't just the MC overcoming his traumatic life but also the character build. Each individual character have their own added taste into the story which molds the protagonist into someone who, by the end of it your cheering for. The way they introduce each character is like having multiple MC . You get a feel for all of them no matter how big or small a roll they have.
Throughout the manga from beginning to end there a lot of plot twist and turns. Some you can see and others you can't (something i like anyways) and the story progressed just right for my taste.

All in all it felt like a roller coaster ride having never putting it down once i picked it up.

Definitely will read it Again!! (if the other 31 chaps ever come out in eng lol)


Author Kang, Full