One Piece review

Apr 16, 2021
9.05 is no longer enough after Reverie and Wano have started and proven to be some of the best arcs in the series. Expect the rating to continue to rise.

It's incredible that a manga *this long* has a rating like this. In the Top 5 manga of all time list, with nearly 1000 chapters now. A monumental human effort that inspires as much as it evokes a vast array of emotions.

One day Hirokoshi, the author of Boku no Hero Academia, might have a chance at surpassing Oda like he said he wanted to in his interview, but that day may never come unless BnHA recovers to its former level of quality. And even then, it's still not enough, so Hiro has to surpass himself a lot.


One Piece
One Piece
Author Oda, Eiichiro