Yankee-kun to Megane-chan review

Apr 03, 2021
tl;dr: A manga that has a solid build up as a group of friends go through high school showcasing well them enjoying the things high school students do, but has a completely worthless ending. 

This manga starts out pretty great. Watching Daichi and company go through three years of high school is great because the manga heavily focuses on highlighting the great aspects of just normal life, though in a pretty exaggerated fashion. The main cast is a really interesting bunch, and there’s a really solid group of reoccurring supporting characters alongside them that are used quite well in repeating roles. There’s also solid character development in most of the main and supporting cast. This combined with how there’s a good variety of stories that are paced pretty well and how the humor is pretty solid makes most of the manga pretty good to read through.

However, when it starts heading towards the ending it really feels like it drops the ball. When the manga reaches them in their third year and focuses on graduating, it really begins to drag on. This wouldn’t be too much of a problem if it managed to wrap things up with a solid ending, but it doesn’t at all. Rather, the ending is completely half-assed.  The core of that could be contributed to Hana. As the main heroine, you would expect her to be focused on heavily and get a lot of development. However, that isn’t the case. Throughout the manga, a lot of her background is hinted at, but nothing is made clear. Similarly, in terms of relationship development there’s a lot hinted at, but nothing explicit. There’s a lot of buildup that feels like its leading to an impactful conclusion. But that conclusion simply never happens. All that build up leads to nowhere.

To a degree, it felt like the manga ended before it should have, that it was building up for one more major arc in college considering it introduced characters that could be a part of it, but it just doesn’t. As the manga approaches its end Hana disappears from the narrative, which feels like a set up for what had been building up all this time to finally be dealt with, but things keep going, the manga reaches the ending, and Hana simply isn't dealt with at all. There’s an epilogue that kind of tries dealing with this, but it deals with it in a way that’s so abrupt and random that it feels completely pointless, in that it doesn’t actually resolve anything definitively but rather it actually diminishes a lot of everything up to that point, and hence doesn’t fix the mess of the ending at all, leaving an overall feeling of hollowness. The art wasn’t so great starting out but eventually became decent. 


Yankee-kun to Megane-chan
Yankee-kun to Megane-chan
Author Yoshikawa, Miki