Vinland Saga review

Mar 25, 2021
I just can't find any faults with this series..

Story 10/10
It somehow manages to make the very barbaric idea of Vikings into a beautiful tale of loss, revenge, discovery and redemption. I won't spoil anything because this is a series best experienced on one's own. Also some great humour involved with the more charismatic characters.

Art 9/10
It only improves as the series progresses with a very consistent and rather cartoon-like art-style for it's violent backdrop that fits perfectly, with great expressions on character's expressions. This battles are barbaric and brutally wonderful, and it's times of peace are wonderfully depicted with stunning attention to detail.

Characters 10/10
This is where I feel the story truly shines. Although the series may look like it would just be fighting after fighting, character development is very prominent and as, dare I say, as masterfully done as Meruem in Hunter x Hunter. You will love characters, then love to hate them, then love them all over again. It is simply breathtakingly well done.

Enjoyment 10/10
Kind of obvious given the above. I should mention the great 2 in 1 hard-covers that are given with the English release. They are a very nice addition to the package.

Overall 10/10
Just a brilliant series, I highly recommend picking this up.


Vinland Saga
Vinland Saga
Author Yukimura, Makoto