Uzumaki review

Apr 02, 2021
While putting down the scores for this Review, I put down 10 for story and yet 1 for Enjoyment. This simple setence will make you know how I feel about Uzumaki.

Uzumaki is about a cursed town which strange events happen that center around spirals...and that's about as far as I can go without confusing you into a complete recluse. Sure I could mention the snail people and the man who bend himself into a spiral in the first chapter, but then again I would be ruining all the best points now.

The Story above is probably a unique in it's way to draw you deeper and deeper in. The first and second volume are almost like building blocks for the spiral that will draw you in at the third volume.
However, once you get to the end, you will instantly feel...what's the word I am looking for?
Oh yeah, Utterly disapointed!
To say I grew at least attached to the people of the town was understatement, I honestly wished that they would get things back to normal...but here's a spoiler for ya.
They Don't. They all die at the end, turned into stone and wrapped around each other in spirals, waiting for the next sucker to decide "Lets built a Town here!".

==============Segway here=============
But then again, my disappointment could be from Japanese unique horror storytelling.
Whenever you watch American Horror, don't you sort of root for the monster instead of the main hero? Sure you do! Because you don't feel connected to the Hero in any way. He keeps doing incredibly stupid things for no reason other then to waste our time for a hour and a half.
However, When you watch Japanese Horror, You will get sucked in and will be constantly rooting for the Hero's, because they are normal people fighting against what use to be normal people! Ghost in Japan usually are people who died horribly in the hands of evil people, so they become ghosts and haunt others for all eternity, trapping anyone that comes close to the same fate.

And that's what happens in Uzumaki. Anyone who enters the town is doomed to be trapped into the town...trapped for all enternity in a endless torture!
Thats what a true horror story is. Not the threat of Death, but the threat of PAIN.

The Art is okay, not too special or anything like that. Except when things are put into a suddenly becomes weird and unfocused, feeling nasuating and truly wondering when it will end.

Overall, this is a good read if your in the mood for something scary and horrible.
However, if your in a down ridden deppression with anxiety about death and should go watch naruto instead.


Author Ito, Junji