Usotsuki Paradox review

Apr 10, 2021
lies lies lies lies lies.
the fact that i can't grasp with all the thing that was going on was probably because i never had an actual girlfriend. feeling all the love, lies, pain, sacrifice,..
reading this really opens up new things for me, making me realize everything is not how it looks.
but tbh tho, this manga has a strong beginning, promising, yet full of disappointment.
i'm completely hooked with how things were going on at first, but going through the middle of the story and then to the end... i asked my self, what am i reading?
i can understand how things unfold into that rute but still, why did it led to this path?
anyway, it was quite enjoyable, yet very sad and disappointing. especially the end, lies lies lies, everything is a lie.
i'm not disappointed of the manga, i'm disappointed with my self, for not understanding every little bit of it.
maybe i should start writing my romance?


Usotsuki Paradox
Usotsuki Paradox
Author Kizuki, Akira