Tenjou Tenge review

Apr 05, 2021
lets get this straight, i enjoy oh great´s art, and i read this after falling in love with his later work (air gear) so i was kinda biased at the beggining, but as the story went along, i just could not handle, i droped this anime/manga alot over the years, i started when i was 16 and finally ended last year, i just, i never read or watched something before where the character you are supose to like and root for is so dislikable, it makes no sense, this one is the perfect example of when the author picks the wrong character to be the MC, Nagi has nothing to offer and everything is just given to him, he works for nothing, not even naruto himself can top this one, tenjou tenge takes the cake.


While convoluted plots are not bad, Large walls of texts are thrown one after the other, and tbh, i was kinda numb to it, as i said before, i read air gear, in a matter of fact, its my favorite manga of all time, so yeah, but with this one, on my last "run" to end it, it all became more of a chore than entertainment, its like i was doing it for a bet or smt, it felt like shit, and many of these walls are simply for flavor. They don't really add anything to the plot and are solely there to add needless detail. After reading through too many flavor texts, I found myself just skipping pages by lying to myself that i read it instead of intently reading every line and word as I did before.

What are the motives, why are these characters doing this? Why should i even root for this guy? Why Takayanagi, one of the few decent and likable characters just forgotten and ignored? Why does any of this matter? Why am I supposed to care? Why is this character suddenly on a different side? Why are these characters fighting? These are questions I found myself asking multiple times throughout the second half. I even reread entire chapters preceding my current one in an attempt to answer these questions, only to end up with a little more insight than I started with and a vague idea of the context and motives. The second half of this manga is a convoluted mess, plain and simple.

Approaching the end, I found myself simply wanting to be over with it all, losing almost complete interest in the plot or characters. The only thing that kept me going was the fantastic art, My hatred for the MC and maybe a miracle where the author finally realizes the mistake he made by choosing him as the focus of this manga and just killed him, oh, AND the increased amount of nudity.

I feel weird stating that I was reading for the eroticism, as I normally dislike ecchi manga and animes, typically finding the latter near unbearable to watch, but the statement is true in this case. I feel the level of detail and the bold approach to showing nakedness enhanced the experience and was somewhat refreshing to see. In most ecchi and erotic manga/anime, there tends to be a lot of teasing. There is a lot of revealing clothing and censored nudity, but nothing is ultimately shown. Or, if there is, then it tends to be fairly mild. I find the experience somewhat childish and feel it takes away from the plot and overall experience; that the series would be better without all the fan service.

However, in the case of Tenjou Tenge, the bold approach to nudity with the lack of censorship gave it a somewhat mature tone, to which I felt the experience was much more enjoyable. It didn't tease or excessively flaunt the nudity, but instead used it as a means of artistic expression.

To conclude, while I found myself drawn in and interested in the beginning, the more I read the more disinterested I got in the story and found myself reading only for the fights and eroticism; the story no longer added anything for me.

To end this, i must say, for me, right now, i am doing this after a full year after reading, if i did this on the day i ended, the rating would be ZERO, even if i love the art, the story and MC just... makes me see red man, and it makes me feel bad, since i have Air Gear so dear and near to my hearth.



Tenjou Tenge
Tenjou Tenge
Author Oh! Great