Shingeki no Kyojin review

Apr 15, 2021
Pretty long but 6000 chapters in I can confidently say this is my favorite manga series. The story excels in many aspects from art to character design, with the intricate layout of the plot acting as a catalyst that propelled this story to its now renowned status. With this manga finally coming to an end, I felt it was important to reflect upon the many memories, be it good or bad, that this story gave me, ultimately becoming a significant part of my life up until this point.

Anyways, um... I bought a whole bunch of shungite rocks, do you know what shungite is? Anybody know what shungite is? No, not Suge Knight, I think he's locked up in prison. I'm talkin' shungite. Anyways, it's a two billion year-old like, rock stone that protects against frequencies and unwanted frequencies that may be traveling in the air. That's my story, I bought a whole bunch of stuff. Put 'em around the la casa. Little pyramids, stuff like that.


Shingeki no Kyojin
Shingeki no Kyojin
Author Isayama, Hajime