Apr 05, 2021
Note: Some cussing ahead so for those who dislike that, don't read.

= Story =
- This is the story right here: Girl falls for Satan who is sexually attracted to the girl who gets too involved with her to the point where an angel tries to get her away from Satan. That's it. The plot is basically the idea of what happens to Miu b/c she's involved with Satan. I really didn't like it.
And yes, I did read ALL the chapters. I barely made through those appalling chapters. So the story is just... just bad. I wish the mangaka had put some more thought into this manga. The idea is quite nice, but how it played out throughout the story was absolutely dreadful! -

= Art =
- I've said this a lot, but I usually give art a 9 or 10. But I gave this one an 8. However, this is solely based on my preference and logic. Usually I just go plain common sense, but the mangaka's art style is quite similar to old schooled manga which isn't my cup of tea. Maybe it's b/c I'm used to modern manga styles, but I generally don't like these types of art. However, since I can't draw better, the score will remain at an 8. -

= Character =
- Comedy is not a genre in this manga, but I really laughed my fucking ass off while reading this. What the characters say and do are HILARIOUS. I'm not laughing at the characters themselves. This is basically what I laughed at:

> The characters' mental states
> Satan's cheesy lines (dramatized by the art)
> Miu's stupidity
> The amount of sex Miu and Satan have
> The fact that Satan fucked Miu into front of ------- *spoiler*---------
> The dramatized affects the art gives to every undramatic situation

I didn't care for the characters. Miu is literally one of those Shoujo heroines that can't do shit and just depend on that one guy (or guys) that are there doing whatever she wants. She's useless and yet there are these people who pursue her! It's absurd. Satan says he loves her and shit, but honestly, he's just playing along for her body (even though there isn't much...)
Satan himself is also a boring character. I don't like him. I don't like any of the characters. I just read it b/c I could. So yeah... horrid.... just.... bad. -

= Enjoyment/Overall =
- Didn't enjoy this manga at all. Got a lot of good laughs, but I really, really feels disgust towards this manga. I really recommend it for the laugh, but if you don't like humor, don't even try to read this. Also, read this and yell Satan when he appears to save the day. It'll make you laugh harder. -


Author Shinjo Mayu
Artist Shinjo Mayu