Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai: Tensai-tachi no Renai Zunousen review

Mar 25, 2021
Most rom-coms follow the same trend: it starts hilarious and fun, then it gets serious and cringe. It feels like rom-com authors don't assume the comedy side of things, and only use it as a bait to tell an uninspired, boring story that was told billions of times before their own version appears.

Sadly, this description fits Love is War.

This is a mind game between a boy and a girl living a love story. At least... in the beginning.
The mind game side of the story is given up after 100 chapters, and the manga becomes the usual, boring love story like there are thousands of others.

The author is clearly less and less inspired, as the characters' stories take retarded routes (a nonsensical family clan wars ; a love triangle with no consequential development ; plot twists that cancels previous plot twists ; mafiosi being defeated by teenagers).

In the end it's just a rom-com : it started with a brillant concept, but quickly gave up on it and became the usual uninspired boring love story.

The manga is beautiful, nothing to complain here.

The characters have nice personalities, too bad they often become transparent. Poor Chika never lives any interesting story except when she must teach Shirogane. The only chapters revolving around her are boring, repetitive fillers about ramen.

The other main characters have deeper stories, but when the chapter isn't about them, they often completely disappear.

It's too bad, because the main characters are awesome. I love Miko, she's like Azusa from K-On as she's the 5th and new member of the main characters club. I loved the dynamic of the group after she joined. But like all the other characters, she's just transparent when it's not a chapter about her.

Love is War had an incredible potential, and it shows in the first 100 chapters. Those are brillant and hilarious.
But the next 100 chapters become boring. It tries to be way too serious, and when it tries to be funny, it's just uninspired, repetitive gags.

I only recommend reading up until chapter 130. It's not all bad after that, but it's definitely subpar compared to the first part of this manga. What a horrible waste...
