Juuni Hizoku no Palette review

Apr 04, 2021
I am completely astonished that no one else has wrote a review for this amazing manga. I found it from looking at random manga, and this is definitely one of my all-time favorites. I simply made this myanimelist account purely so I could write a review. (Sorry this review is kinda long also, it's my first.) Now that I'm done with my rant, onto the actual review:

(Contains very tiny spoilers, nothing that'll ruin the story.)
I know it isn't completely original, but The Palette of 12 Secret Colors really has a unique and mostly original story that is extremely refreshing. Imagine if there was a job where you could take the colors of anything, and transfer it onto something else. Sounds cool, but not very helpful right? Well the main character Cello uses her unique ability to do everything from stopping a thieving merchant to helping a friend from a gigantic flock of birds. Speaking of birds, you will love them all from the bottom of your heart. Now, I'm a tiny bit biased for giving it a 9 because at times the plots can be a bit predictable, but even if they are there's always at least one twist that you didn't quite expect. ALSO, I must warn you guys that if your looking for a lovey dovey drama fest, you won't get it. You won't want to get it, if the author had added one, it probably would've ruined the story. There is very little romance throughout the 6 volumes, the 6th and the 5th is really where all the romance happens. I was kinda surprised, because since it was so prolonged I thought it would be rushed at the end. It kinda was, but it fit Cello and the Doctor's personality perfectly. (Also one last thing, Cello was 16 and the Doctor was probably in his early 20's when they fell in love. I haven't looked into the community at all of this manga, but I really hope no one points out the age difference, because there really isn't that big of one.)

I really don't have to much to say about the art. It was amazing at times and perfectly fit the story, but at other times I thought a little more emotion would've been better. I think I would probably give it a 7 if not for the birds and the originality of each character's design. The birds are absolutely brilliant, each one totally unique from eyes to body type. The art style really was great for the story.

Character: 7
Now all of the characters are amazing, from design to personality, but at times I kind of though there could of been more back-story to all of them. I really wished there could be 1 or 2 more volumes to fit more development in.

Enjoyment: 10
Again I really, really love this manga. You'll laugh a ton and smile all throughout the wacky adventures, not to mention some of the bird's antics. I put this up in story, but again this isn't a romance love fest. More romance definitely would've taken away from the enjoyment and the story. Even if you like sappy romances, (like I do,) this is definitely worth a read.

I'm admitting I'm being a bit biased with all my scores because I love this manga so much, but it really is worth a read. You definitely will love and hold most if not all the characters to your heart.


Juuni Hizoku no Palette
Juuni Hizoku no Palette
Author Kusakawa, Nari