Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san review

Apr 03, 2021
Who would've thought that 774/Nanashi, the author and the artist of this, would be able to draw and write such a wholesome story when he's known to have drawn quite a number of bestiality and guro hentai. And if you don't know what guro is, it's the worst kind of hentai a person should be enjoying. And funny enough, on chapter 5, there was a reference to his own H doujin called Yupiel Sama, if that's not obvious enough for you that he's a hentai artist. Btw, that's such a meta way to promote his best H work lol. And dont worry, this one is just about as wholesome and similar to Nagatoro which may pretty much be a work of his own that inspired Nagatoro as a whole to exist.

There will of course be some people who hated this because of the bullying and how much of a dick the heroine is. Though keep in mind, the smugness and the bullying is the appeal to this series. Additionally, there's such thing as teasing the person that you like by bullying them, so it's technically not that strange. I mean, usually a boy teasing girl that they like is a good example of this. She's just on the extreme side.

If you don't like this, then just dont read it. But if you're the type of person who's open minded, try reading it until the 10th chapter and make up your mind until then. You would be surprise of how likable this series is disregarding the early bad impression that you may had.

She attac, she insult, she bully; but the best one of all: she protecc

And that's the charm of the series; when your bullies only bully you and you only because shes actually is interested in you. It's a unique love story that's for sure.

And the very great twist to all of this, she's actually a very normal girl underneath that layer of "im a bully, or a delinquent" persona. And she really just wanted to be treated normally. Within her, exist an emotional desire to be normal and be treated with honesty than ingenuity that most males in this story are being portrayed: wanting to get close to her for sexual gratification. And the hint of her interior emotions, she seems to be in a state of boredom or depression, and the thing that keeping her entertain in life is him. The writing of the character is actually a lot more intricated than you would think.

All that said, this series is just too cute.
