Oyasumi Punpun review

Mar 26, 2021
This story broke me into shambles.

For so long I've lived a depressing life, filled with a longing for reason to keep going. This manga illustrates that feeling flawlessly, the emotional damage and mental withdraws of wandering and looking for a reason to keep going.

Oyasumi Punpun is the embodiment of the human mental put perfectly into a story about some weird chicken-looking dude, who consistently doubts himself, hurts others, and wishes for a release from himself and the potential harm he could do to others. With the dynamics of every character intersecting eachother at the sweet spot of their stories, and an overlying story of the supernatural being told at the same time, this story delivers the raw, uncut feelings of those involved in the story with a strong sense of relation to the reader. No matter who you are, you can feel for and relate to one or multiple characters in Oyasumi Punpun.

It feels like this story seriously captured every personality you would meet in your day-to-day life, and heavily exaggerates them in a sense to make you feel stupid for even interacting with those sort of people or even being that sort of person. But at the same time offering redemption to each of them in their characters' own personal stories, no matter how treacherous the life they lived. It offers an overview of every person ever, their pain, their sorrows, their struggles, and offers a sense of closure to every single person who reads it. But still, a sense of emptiness after reading it.

I would never recommend this manga to anyone. It is beyond words how much this affects the human psyche.


I set my enjoyment on this rating to 2/10 for "dreadful", because this was an egregious experience for me, and I hate myself for enjoying this.


Oyasumi Punpun
Oyasumi Punpun
Author Asano, Inio