Boku wa Mari no Naka review

Apr 04, 2021
I binged this manga in Just 2 days. This is how thrilling and interesting in was to me. I will not bore you with one more summary of the story. However I will state this while trying not to spoil the story : one of the genres listed in the description page is misleading. I won't say more and will let you enjoy the discovery of which one it is.

One thing I would like to mention is that one of the top reviews with a very negative score is quite inaccurate in how it describes the story, as well as the reason why the reviewer does not like in the manga. I cannot tell you exactly where as it will spoil a big element of the plot but it is telling that the top negative review failed to grasp the twist. It tells me that the reviewer did not actually finish reading the 80 chapters.

I would say that if you enjoyed the Flower of Evil by the same author, you will probably enjoy this book as well. I feel like the art is one notch better in "inside Mari". The author changed his style in some drawings but you will find the same beautiful lines and flow as his usual self.

On the minus side, I wish some side characters were more explored. The brother and his relationship with Mari, Yori's sister, but I guess it would have distracted the viewer from there main story line .

Story : 7
Art : 7
Character: 8
Enjoyment: 8



Boku wa Mari no Naka
Boku wa Mari no Naka
Author Oshimi, Shuuzou