Amai Akuma ga Warau review

Apr 05, 2021

I don't know what I was expecting from this manga. But if you're satisfied with just romance and drama, you may actually enjoy this manga more than me.

Story(6) - The beginning of the story was interesting. In fact, there were a few interesting points in the story due to the drama. However, the plot had more holes in it than swiss cheese. If you're going to actively think about what's going on in the story, prepare to formulate hundreds of questions that will never get answered. The ending was also really disappointing. It seemed as though the mangaka just wanted to put as much drama and romance in the manga before bailing out and leaving the ending as it is.

Art(4) - I'm very picky when it comes to art. But I thought that the drawing was mediocre at best for a manga. The characters looked stiff most of the time and the lines weren't even all that refined, except for the background buildings.The only reason why anyone would like this art is because the eyes are extremely big and sparkly and that there were a ton of flowery romantic effects used in the background. Sadly, sparkles aren't enough to make me believe that the art is nice.

Character(3) - Now the characters were what pissed me off the most. The main heroine was just an two-dimensional girl( not 2D, but you know....superficial) who can't even protect herself. She puts herself at the mercy of her butler, Isshin. Now Isshin was just a boy she saw outside his window until the story decreed that he must become the heroine's butler. Unlike the heroine, Isshin has more depth to his character. There was more than meets the eye but there was so little development on his character in the end that his mystique seemed like the author's last ditch effort to make the character more charming. The other characters were just not important.

Enjoyment(5) - I guess I enjoyed the manga in the beginning as it seemed like there was some promise, despite how annoying the main female was.

But if you like romance manga where all the characters have big, pretty eyes... that's all there is to this manga, big, pretty eyes. Then you will definitely enjoy this manga.


Amai Akuma ga Warau
Amai Akuma ga Warau
Author Toriumi, Pedoro