Onihime VS review

Apr 05, 2021
I first found Onihime Vs about three years ago and completely fell in love with it, in a sea of generic titles and cliche anime story lines Onihime VS was a breath of fresh air. The characters were interesting and the sky was the limit for this series... then came the ending. After waiting months on end for a new chapter, sometimes a whole year, the series was wrapped up last month and I was painfully disappointed. All the potential this series had, all the interesting plot points that had been developed and all the possibilities of where this series could go were spat upon. This series in two chapters became the epitome of what happens to a series when its left on perpetual hiatus, it gets an uninteresting, bland, completely devoid of seriousness ending. I give this series an eight overall, because despite the terrible ending and semi-frequent filler chapters, it was a fun ride and I did enjoy what it had to offer. I can only pray that one day the author decides to rehash this series or try to fix the story, for this one was too good to be forgotten into oblivion.


Onihime VS
Onihime VS
Author Im, Dal Young