Book reviews

Apr 12, 2021
Samurai 8: Hachimaru Den review
It's unfortunate that this series was cut short. It had potential. I mean, cyborg samurai riding gigantic robotic beasts with their magical space princesses and wielding soul-powered swords?

It's a very cool concept. And I'm always a big fan of the traditional-futuristic hybrid aesthetic. Undoubtedly, the biggest draw for me was the worldbuilding, which seemed to have had a lot of care put into it, with many setups put in place (that were of course left without a resolution). It felt like we had a whole wild world to explore, akin to some other space opera manga.

The few characters that got the time to have one benefited from emotional backstories (of the kind fans of a certain other manga are accustomed to). To me those were the most engaging parts. I was curious about the direction the characterization was going with the two mains, Hachimaru and Ann: I thought the retooling of the uber classic knight-princess dynamic (couple with many cues from the samurai lore) into a sci-fi world was unusual and quite intriguing, and could've made an interesting story if it had had the time to be developed.

Ironically but understandably so, in both art and characterization, as well as some aspects of its story, this series feels a lot more like Naruto than its own sequel, Boruto, does. It would be a lie to say that wasn't one of the reasons I enjoyed it.

This is far from a perfect story however. A major issue the series had throughout was that there is a looot of exposition, to the point a significant proportion of the story was just exposition. Some chapters are literally only an information dump. The pacing was definitively off because of that. Since the manga was just starting, I kept hoping it would become more story-focused later on, but since it's dead now, we'll never know that and so we're left with only this relatively heavy story progression.

Another thing is that the cast of characters accompanying the protagonist on his quest grows pretty large pretty fast. They all end up somehow underdeveloped because of that, and it also contributes to bog the pacing down. The story would probably have benefited from introducing them more slowly, or shedding some of them temporarily to reintroduce them later on. But in retrospect, if this series was on the verge of being cancelled, maybe that's why they were introduced so fast...

Again it's a shame this series was cancelled, I believe it really had the potential to be something epic.

In the end that's what this series is: tons of potential that didn't manage to be realized before it got cancelled. I'd say the author wasn't effective at conveying the story, or who knows, maybe was under too much time constraint with the imminent cancellation.

And that is too bad. The last two chapters hastily tried to wrap the entire story to give it a semblance of an ending, and to me they perfectly showcase all the excitement and cool factor this series could've shown.

So all in all? I think what we got, despite numerous writing issues, and even though it's almost a shadow of what could've been, is still entertaining. But it'll be up to you to see if it does it for you or not.
Samurai 8: Hachimaru Den
Samurai 8: Hachimaru Den
Author Kishimoto, Masashi
Artist --