Book reviews

Apr 02, 2021
Deadman Wonderland review
This manga is one that for the majority of it, felt somewhat directionless. It adds a lot of interesting mechanics, such as having to eat candy constantly to prevent death or fights in an arena where the loser loses an organ. However, it never really capitalizes on most of these ideas, and it rushes through a lot of really different concepts such as these without never really using any in a way that felt like they were properly used. The thing though, is that despite it doing so, or maybe in part because of it doing so so quickly, the manga stays interesting throughout even though for the most part it was completely directionless. However, there were core aspects that were common throughout all of this. One of them is the action. At points it felt like it was going to go all out and become a full battle manga, though it never ended up doing so and the powers and battles themselves remained relatively simplistic overall. Still, the powers were cool and how they were portrayed was pretty awesome, so it ended up being interesting. Another important aspect, and what I would say is the main one, is the characters. Ganta gets incredibly solid character development because of all of this and by the end he very much is far more mature, reliable, and heroic than he was at the beginning. On top of that Shiro's character also comes across incredibly well, and her relationship with Ganta is also something the reader gets heavily invested in. Many of the side characters also get developed reasonably well and get some solid character development. All of this development becomes super important as it approaches the ending, from the point that Shiro wakes up, and when things get truly interesting. Due to the reader already being invested in Ganta, Shiro, and their relationship, the overarching mysteries being solved and the background being revealed is heart breaking and quite emotionally painful. From all of that, the author manages to pull out an ending that feels like it brings everything together, showing off all of Ganta's character development tremendously through one simple amazing scene, and ending in a way that was actually, quite beautiful. It then leads to an epilogue that gives a pretty strong message of hope in general, and how even in the face of absurdity and after overcoming great tragedies it is important to move on, though I do feel that particularly in regards to Shiro, especially as she was at the center of so much of the despair, she especially needed an especially strong showing of hope, rather than what was given. The art was pretty good, it fit the atmosphere well and made some key scenes especially look really cool. 

tl;dr: A manga that is somewhat lacking in focus, but has solid action and really good character development.
Apr 02, 2021
Deadman Wonderland review
Story: 7

What is DW about? It´s about this Prison where convicts need to partake to this shows so when they win they get CastPoints. All prisoners have this collar around their neck. the collar releases a poison. in to the body and it will kill them after some days. Unless the take the antidote in form of a candy, so the poison gets neutralised. i really liked this whole idea about prisoners having to participate in those games and shows but the authors after some chapters tossed this concept right out of the window. they could have explored it more in my opinion. the beginning was really strong and interesting. After that strong beginning the authors decided to turn it in to battle went from getting money from the shows to deadman vs deadman to deadman vs undertakes to deadman vs surrogates. Also the fights werent that interesting and the whole Mystery around the red man was kinda predictable.

Characters: 9

I really liked Ganta as the maincharacter. he starts of as this weak as character and as the story contiunes he gets stronger and stronger. i also could relate to him because there were stuff happening to me where i had no control over and what happend to ganta sucks to. Every character gets a flashback. almost everyone has a fucked up or tragic backstory and it makes sense why almost anyone is insane there because its a crazy place to be in.
There were some sidecharacters i found stupid, like this chick who is with Makina together. also the squad that maikina ordered to DW were really bland and one dimensional and some of the 1th unit of surrogates. My favorites are Ganta, Shiro, Senjy, and Minatsuki.

Art: 9

The Art is amazing. there were some panels were i thought; is this Beserk. it was that good. Some Panels when there was fighting going on where kinda hard to know whats going on.

Enjoyment: 7

It was easy to read. The characters where really crazy and thats what makes them stand out. the fights were okay and also the mystery. i enjoyed DW.


Apr 02, 2021
Deadman Wonderland review
Deadman Wonderland is an action, sci-fi manga exclusive for only those who are ripe enough to read it.

Deadman Wonderland revolves around on an unfortunate hero, who goes by the name of Ganta Igarashi. 10 years after the catastrophic event that totaled the whole city of tokyo, Ganta has been trying to live normally but all of that change when a man dressed in red comes out of nowhere and murdered all his classmates using a unique ability, to make matters worse somehow our protagonist gets the blame for the death of all his classmates, so he gets sentenced to a death row. To top it all, he's behind bars in the Deadman Wonderland, lets just say its not your average penitentiary. After a series of bizarre events, for better or worse, Ganta discovers that he also possess a supernatural ability similar to the red man who murdered all of his classmates. Everything is more than it meets the eye.

DW is vaguely similar to the book series Lemony Snicket's series of unfortunate events, but only a lot more unfortunate and morbid. Ganta goes throw a lot of ordeals,first he's well on a death row, all his friends got massacred in front of his eyes, he's confined in a prison where everyone is nuts that includes he's two seemingly trustworthy inmate buds. Shiro, an odd white long-haired girl who talks in third person and Yoh, a guy who possess a hidden intent for their friendship.
It goes without saying, its going to get worse before it gets any better and from what Ive seen, it just keeps getting worse.

Deadman Wonderland manga is above average, but not above enough to be notable. Because the plot isnt promising in the first place, and the way things turn out on each chapter, is not appealing enough for you to hang on. Adequate developments are also missing here, hopefully they will not forget to add some.

I didnt really care on what happens Ganta. He is an unlikable character, the way he cowards up then suddenly gives everyone the finger followed by whimpering again. It gets on my nerves. The rest of the characters are also not very convincing, since almost everyone is easily demented by the simplest of reasons. I cannot get myself to like any of them. The only character to look out for is Shiro, she has a very interesting ego and a mysterious past. I would like to know how she will change throughout the manga, if she will at all.

The art is pretty... different. Especially when everyone's face goes looks like Jack Nicholson when they go senile. It takes to time to get into it. The action scene's are pretty decent, its pretty clear enough for you to understand how the action is going and it doesnt smother you with myriad captions during.

All in all, Deadman Wonderland is a full fledged manga. It incorporates some over-used elements but twists them enough to be somehow unpredictable.
Ive only seen a couple of chapters but from where I'm standing, its pretty damn good. For those who want something mature, reading this is essential.
Apr 02, 2021
Deadman Wonderland review
Deadman Wonderlan es un manga que podría gustarles a muchos pero también hay que tener en cuenta que por mas que una obra sea buena siempre habrá quienes se darán la molestia de buscar ciertos detalle tan subjetivos como el echo mas común de todos, el clásico "Contiene mucha sangre" o cosas por el estilo siendo la forma en la que el autor trata de recalcar que este manga no es para todo publico y sin pecar en el echo de que cada maldita gota de sangre debe ser justificada; ha! valla forma de pensar, técnicamente sus poderes giran en torno a este, pero también esta el echo de que por si la obra buscara la forma de engancharte ya sea con el arte, historia, personajes, etc. Siendo estas las principales razones que te harán querer leer el manga, y si, no tendrán los mejores personajes secundarios o los mejores trasfondos como cualquier critico experimentado desearía apreciar, pero aun siendo este el motivo por lo que los personajes principales resaltaran en la historia, directo y conciso como una obra de 58 capítulos debe de ser para así no aburrir al lector sacando sub tramas que a la larga no aportaran a la trama principal la cual te exponen una historia bastante interesante que de cliché no tiene nada, como cualquiera podría suponer con solo leer la premisa, en especial si es que la lees esperando encontrar un parecido con alguna obra para así tacharla de tener poca originalidad y quitarle todo el merito que esta podría merecer por parte del que piensa en leerla y disfrutarla.

Estoy muy consiente que esta es una critica a los que redactaron sus opiniones antes en las cuales exponen sus puntos en textos larguísimos y dando puntos que si te das la molestia de leer atentamente carecen de objetividad por lo que tarde o temprano solo leyendo la obra podrás sacar tus conclusiones y ver que no todas las opiniones será desde un punto critico, ahora te toca a ti dar tu propia opinión al respecto.
Apr 02, 2021
Deadman Wonderland review
Deadman Wonderland has over the top characters with absurd motivations and a lot of blood, but still fails to make the plot remotely interesting. This is more of a battle shounen than a seinen or a psychological story. So expect many of those tropes. I don't have anything against shounen, but when you add dark backstories for the sake of being dark and when the fighting mechanics revolve around bleeding, it comes off as edgy.

*** The review contains some vague spoilers ***

I found more bad things than good in this manga. Let me write about all the good first -

The premise is interesting. The protagonist (Ganta) is framed very early in the story and is forced to go to a special prison called as Deadman wonderland. There he discovers that people with unique powers who can manipulate their own blood exist and they are pitted against each other in a battle royale. This raises many questions and hooks the reader early on.

A girl named Shiro is introduced soon after Ganta enters the DW. She is always cheerful and has the freedom to wander anywhere she wants within the prison. She gives the impression that there is something about her that is more than what it appears to be. This adds to the mystery.

The plot ties to an event called as the Great Tokyo Earthquake which happened ten years prior to the events of the story. As the story progresses, the events leading to this disaster slowly unfolds in the form of flashbacks. These events are somewhat predictable, but still manage to be interesting. There are some ethical questions tackled briefly even though they are never completely explored.

Unfortunately, that is all the good I can find. So what is wrong with this manga? Let me elaborate -

Clichés after clichés. I don't hate clichés unless they are overused. But that is exactly what happens here. Every situation feels forced. The actual plot gets sidelined untill about midway through the manga in favor of unnecessary battles that do not have many long lasting consequences. It keeps introducing new characters in said battles. But none of them get any character development except Minatsuki (it is "he is nice, I will be nice too" kind of development. So it is not saying much). When you look back after finishing the series, you will find that 90% of these characters didn't have any real impact on the story other than prolonging it. The supposedly surprising developments can be predicted several chapters in advance. There are two main villains in this story. But both are comically evil characters and feel like copies of each other. Their motivations are slightly different, but they act exactly the same way.

The manga fails in its very premise because the way all the deadmen lose blood and keep fighting without suffering any consequences is illogical. Funny thing is that some characters state the problems of losing too much blood at the start of the series. But it is quickly forgotten to get us to the badass action scenes. Ganta's ability is the most unoriginal and boring among the entire cast. Add to that and make him whiny for more than half of the story and you get an unlikable MC.

The plot feels like an NGE ripoff at the begining. We have whiny mc, a mysterious friend who is more than what she seems, and a tragedy that has happened several years back with long lasting effects on society. Adding to that, Ganta has memory loss and doesn't remember his past. (But keeps getting flashbacks at very convenient moments). It gets a decent explanation near the very end of the manga, but the initial half undeniably gives bad vibes about the whole story. The explanation that we get is very similar to another popular manga that I won't mention due to spoilers. It is so similar that you can predict exactly what happened if you know the name of that other manga.

There is some pseudo-science involved in the plot, but it has been taken too far to an extent that it is no longer believable. To give an example, there is an ability where a character can make others think that they suffered an injury and then it happens in reality because "their brain got convinced of that injury". I am talking about characters getting holes in their chest or thrown into walls just because their brain got convinced that it actually happened.

The art looks good, but not the fight scenes. It is hard to follow any fight scene. You can see rubble flying around and explosions, but how characters moved during the fights is very obscure and you are kept guessing. It is a major setback considering that we are talking about an action series.

Tl;dr - I don't recommend this manga unless you don't mind all the clichés and are very much interested in the premise. If you have watched the anime version and are here to finish the story, you will get what you wanted - even though it has the same pitfalls the anime has.
Apr 02, 2021
Deadman Wonderland review
If you can get past the gore, you should definitely give this manga a try, if not - then this one is not for you.

DW is centered arround a twisted post apocalyptic world where many people enjoy violence and chaos. Gore is inevitable and even seems like a major focus point of the story. Through it, a select few people shine as they struggle not to change into destruction monsters. They cannot do it alone though and they have to rely on others, who all hold some ulterior motives and conflicting causes, sometimes making them undermine eachother's goals. And this is the essence of the world DW tries to present, people struggling against the enviroment and themselves as they try to make their best in life, while trying to hold on to their views and determination.

Art-wise, DW is amazing. The world is very detailed and unlike a certain Bleach which "has no backgrounds", DW doesn't lack them. You don't get whole pages where charactes talk over white backgrounds and are unconected with the world. They all act within the constrains of the surrounding world and objects and this part draws the readers into the story, which otherwise would find hardly any hold in it.

The twisted reallity is conveyed very well and the characters' expressions convey strong feelings, perhaps even too strong. The horror or hatred shown in the faces of the characters is usually overdone and it seems sometimes that the author wants to convey a simple smirk of superiority, but instead it comes as a sadistic murderer's "I'm gonna cut you into small pieces now" glare.

The character development is very throughfully done. Each comes with a solid past, which is usually shown through flashbacks - and while it's not the best way to present it - it allows a a better understanding of characters you'd otherwise have to assume the motives of.

The main problem with the character construction comes with the concept of wholeness. Any character in DW can become wholy evil/good/submissive/etc at any given time and would act as for a certain time until it would accept a different "role". It is this change which put me off and made the story unworthy of an 10 or a 9. You don't get the usual change in character or a merge of different personalities as the person changes views, as it happens in real life. A character would change drastically from one point to the next with no indication of past behavior or views.

Another problem with character development is that when a certain character finishes it's intended role in the story, it is swept to the sidelines and becomes utterly passive, so much unlike their personality as presented before.

All in all, it looks like the author of DW is trying too hard. Reality is not black and white, but it looks like this is what DW is trying to present the world as an evil and twisted place, where there are a few bright shining stars. Nevertheless, I really enjoy this manga. It's very solid and unique - and there aren't many of those around. Most of the faults can be ignored as the good points far outweigh them.
Apr 02, 2021
Deadman Wonderland review
I have always been interested in media depicting the theme of justice - in particular, punishment of criminals. Back in 2011, I was fascinated with Death Note and Code:Breaker's themes; I was young and still forming my own set of values, and I was debating on whether or not I'm in favor of death penalty and cruel treatment of criminals (read: I'm not in favor of them).

When I first heard of Deadman Wonderland, its concept immediately got me hooked. The premise is that one middle school student is falsely accused of a crime and sentenced to death penalty. He gets sent to this prison, Deadman Wonderland that also functions as a theme park. Basically, the prisoners are made to work on this theme park and are sometimes the performers themselves - one such spectacle in the start of the manga is a race featuring deadly obstacles that could kill the participants. The visitors get to watch them as they get sliced up or electrocuted, and there are whispers about violating human rights, or "whatever, they're criminals anyway". Going good, right? The chapters are too few back then so I put it on hold (and kinda forgot about it) until this year. (I've also already forgotten how the anime went.)

Since I still remember this feeling of fascination for the series, I proceeded to reading it with the highest expectations I could give. I mean, even a lot of reviews from 2013 to 2015 say it's an 8 or 9.

Well apparently, we all had bad taste during those years. Deadman Wonderland (DW) was plain disappointing.

The most fundamental problem I have with this series is the fact that it decided to base the narrative on one main character - Ganta - but chose to have a plot-driven storyline rather than character-driven. This approach exposed how linear and one dimensional Ganta's characterization is. His "development" is just a reaction to the events that happen, nothing but a forced measure to keep the plot going. It's especially obvious in particular chapters where he's all gloomy and depressed at the first half, and he immediately gets a comeback by the end of that chapter. Yes, in the same chapter. Now, I've read a lot of manga that has those kinds of chapter, but it's tiring to read in the case of DW because there are several chapters of this kind. It's like the authors can't decide on whether Ganta has gotten over his melancholy or not. With the continued use of this formula, Ganta's depressive episodes become plain annoying rather than something I sympathize with.

The other characters are also as linear as they can be. They are admittedly interesting characters (albeit stereotypical) and had interesting backstories, but they were only given meager flashbacks during their fights and that's that. There were attempts by the end to develop their characters, but I had no more feelings of excitement at that point because of continuous disappointment. It's really a let-down, because I imagine that this cliched cast would still be able to entertain me if they just have been properly executed with just the right character dynamics and actual buildup at an earlier point. Well perhaps my irritation still stems on Ganta - at one point, he's just a 'wimpy kid' and got looked down upon, but he gets a powerup and the side cast goes like "Ganta's strong!" And then he gets at a low point again and everybody's saying how much of a baby in diapers he still is, and then we get a new development again. The lack of consistent characterization in Ganta really influenced the side characters a lot since as what I've already mentioned, he's the anchor of the story. The result: also a lack of good characterization for the others.

To be fair, Shiro was really well thought out. From the start, she's made to be a 'walking contradiction' and her presence always compels the readers to think that there's something disturbing that's about to be revealed. She has the most consistent writing of all the characters, and you can't help but sympathize with her situation and development.

As for the plot, it gives the impression that it's just randomly thought of because of various small mistakes. Most especially, the public 'prison theme park' was what sparked my interest, but they barely remember that premise during the developments they had written. The setting comes underground at an early point (in fact, just right after the obstacle race that I mentioned, meaning after just one event) and so the theme park goes useless in the story. There's also no proper buildup for the relevant plot points i.e. no believable motivations and development, and they randomly introduce characters that are almost irrelevant to the story. Pacing was a mess. I was really struggling to finish this because it's just a disaster.

The art is actually likable especially the colored volume covers, but the action is hard to follow. The battles themselves are lacklustre - the designs felt like a waste.

Sigh. I just had to finish the series because I was hoping that it could redeem itself, but the characterization part really was fundamental. Every development just seemed ridiculous because of this failure. Deadman Wonderland was a waste of time.
Apr 02, 2021
Deadman Wonderland review
An ironic fact about 'Deadman Wonderland' when I was reading the manga, was that I was reading the manga of 'Elfen Lied'. The reason that I think this was ironic, is because certain things in these two series look similar:

- The gore (Elfen Lied perhaps a little bit more.)
- They have both a protagonist who come in contact with a girl with a split personality.
- There is a power and its users are seen as monsters.
- Also the boy protagonists were childhood friends with the girl protagonist but later don't seem to remember them.

Then starting with the 'Story'.
I think the story is original. It had my attention all the way to the ending. The 'second' part of the manga in which the situation change when it comes to the villian, but it didn't change the enjoyment for me.

The 'Art' of the story is dark and detailed what is really necessarily for a manga that users gore. The black and toners in the panels really make the situations in the story darker.

The 'Characters' of the series are all unique in their own way. Especially the deadman and other supporting characters all get their background stories. Also it shows how the characters develop/change during the course of the series. Every character, whether they are the protagonists or antagonists, has its unique personalities.

Then I liked the fact that the story has forms of symbolism and the references to other known stories. Also the ability that people in this story use is basically the same, but is used in different ways.

I think the manga has sort of a open ending, but at the same time it doesn't. Still the ending was good for me.
Deadman Wonderland
Deadman Wonderland
Author Kondou, Kazuma
Artist --